How Google Assistant is designed for your privacy

Google Assistant is built to keep your information private, safe, and secure. You can use features built into Google Assistant-enabled devices like the mute mic button and camera switch, along with Google Assistant settings to control when Google Assistant sends data to Google.

How Google Assistant keeps your data private

We want to clearly address some of the top concerns based on privacy and security queries related to Google Assistant and Google Assistant-enabled devices like Google Home, Nest Mini, Nest Hub, Nest Audio, and more.

You asked: Is Google Assistant device camera always streaming?

You asked: Is Google Assistant listening to me all the time?

Google Assistant is designed to wait in standby mode until it detects an activation, like when it hears “Hey Google.” The status indicator on your device will let you know when Google Assistant is activated. When in standby mode, it won’t send what you’re saying to Google servers or anyone else. After Google Assistant detects an activation, it exits standby mode and sends your request to Google servers. This can also happen if there is a noise that sounds like “Hey Google” or an unintended manual activation.

If you don't want to activate your Google Assistant by voice, you can mute the mic on your device or turn off "Hey Google." Learn how to turn off voice activations.

You asked: Why did Google Assistant activate when I didn't prompt it?

Google Assistant might activate when you didn’t intend it to, because it incorrectly detected that you wanted its help. For example, your Google Assistant might activate when there’s a noise that sounds like “Hey Google” or you manually activate your device accidentally. We’re constantly working to improve our technologies, including building new technologies to help reduce unintended activations for everyone. If Google Assistant accidentally activates, you can say “Hey Google, that wasn’t for you,” and your Google Assistant will delete the last thing it sent to Google from My Activity. Learn how to adjust how sensitive Google Assistant is to “Hey Google.”

To learn more about how Google Assistant keeps your info private, safe, and secure, visit the Safety Center.

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