Advertising and attribution

[GA4] Conversion performance report (beta)

Experiment icon for Gradual feature rollout  Gradual feature rollout: This feature is not yet available for all Google Analytics properties.

The Conversion performance report is a pre-made detail report that shows the count of conversions. Use the report to select conversions shared with a Google Ads account and evaluate their performance.

The Conversion performance report includes data from March 15, 2024 onwards.
In this article:

Before you begin

View the report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. From the left menu, select Advertising.
  3. On the left, go to Advertising > Conversion performance.
Don't see the report? To get the Conversions performance report, you must link your Google Ads account to your property. Additionally, the Advertising section where the report is only available on the desktop version of Google Analytics.

Understand the data

What is a conversion?

A conversion is created in Google Ads from a Google Analytics key event and provides a consistent way of measuring important actions in both Google Analytics and Google Ads. A conversion helps you improve your marketing strategy by providing consistent conversion counts across platforms and enabling you to optimize your ad campaigns. Unlike key events, conversions are eligible for bidding and reporting in Google Ads.

Learn more about Conversions vs. key events.

Conversion count in Analytics and Google Ads

The All conversions metric in this report is directly comparable to the All conversions metric in Google Ads. The report breaks out the conversions attributed to your Google Ads account:

  • In the data visualizations, the All conversions count labeled "Conversions attributed to Google Ads account name" (where Google Ads account name is the name of your linked Google Ads account)
  • In the data table, the All conversions count labeled "from Google Ads account name"

In both the data visualizations and the data table, the All conversions count attributed to your Google Ads account will match the count you see in Google Ads. 

The total count of conversions may be higher than what you find in Google Ads, depending on the channels you've chosen to receive credit for web conversions. Attribution settings in your Analytics property let you decide if the count of conversions includes only Google paid channels, or both paid and organic channels. If you choose Paid and organic channels, the All conversion total in Analytics may be higher than in Google Ads, because it may include conversions from organic channels like search and direct referrals. Google Ads, on the other hand, only includes conversions attributed to Google paid channels.

The reporting identity set for your Analytics property doesn't affect the conversion count. Rather than using the property's reporting identity, the Conversion performance report always measures users across devices in a way that matches Google Ads.

Dimensions in the report

The report includes the following dimensions:

Dimension What it is How it's populated
Campaign / Campaign ID The name and ID of a promotion or marketing campaign that led to a conversion event. To learn how to populate this dimension, see Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging.
Default channel group Channel groupings are rule-based definitions of your traffic sources. Default channel groups include 'Direct', 'Organic Search', 'Paid Social', 'Organic Social', 'Email', 'Affiliates', 'Referral', 'Paid Search', 'Video', and 'Display'. To learn how to populate this dimension, see Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging.
Medium The method for acquiring users to your website or application.

Examples include:

  • 'affiliate': users who click a link through an affiliate program
  • 'cpc': (short for cost-per-click) users who click a paid advertisement
  • 'email': users who click a link in an email marketing campaign
  • 'organic': users who click a link from a search engine
  • 'referral': users who click a link on a website (for example, a link in a video description)
  • '(none)': direct traffic
To learn how to populate this dimension, see Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging.
Source A representation of the publisher or inventory source from which traffic originated. For example, users who return to your website from Google Search show as "google" in the Session source dimension.

Examples include “google”, “youtube”, and “gmail”.

To learn how to populate this dimension, see Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging.
Source platform

The platform where you manage buying activity (such as where budgets, targeting criteria, and so on are set).

Examples include:

  • 'Google Ads' (traffic from Google Ads marketing activity)
  • 'Manual' (traffic that isn't from Google media marketing activity)
  • 'SA360' (traffic from Search Ads 360 marketing activity)
  • 'SFMC' (traffic from Salesforce Marketing Cloud marketing activity)
  • 'Shopping Free Listings' (traffic from Google Merchant Center marketing activity)
To learn how to populate this dimension, see Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics:

Metric What it is How it's populated
All conversions The total number of conversions that Google Ads measures for each conversion action. All conversions are calculated based on the time of the click, not the time of the conversion. To populate this metric,  link Google Ads and Analytics and create a conversion in Google Ads based on your Analytics key event.
All conversions (by conv. time) All conversions count based on the day conversion occurred. To populate this metric,  link Google Ads and Analytics and create a conversion in Google Ads based on your Analytics key event.


  • The report is visible, but data is not populated for subproperties and roll-up properties. You must access the report from the source property to view data. The report also isn't currently supported for properties with more complex Google Ads linking setups.
  • The report contains only conversions shared with Google Ads.
  • Conversions that Analytics can't attribute to any channel may be removed from the total conversion count for some large properties. If that happens, the data quality icon appears next to the report title and displays the message, "The unattributed channel data has been removed from the total conversion count."

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