[GA4] Rename and generate new events

Rename existing events and their parameters or generate new events, based on existing events

You may sometimes want to generate a new event whenever an existing event is triggered with specific parameter values. For example, if you want to register a key event whenever a user lands on a confirmation page, you can generate a new custom event called, for example, confirm_signup whenever the page_view event occurs with a page_location parameter value that matches your confirmation page URL. Then, you would mark the confirm_signup event as a key event.

You can also change an existing event, for example rename it or its parameters. This allows you to fix measurement errors caused by a typo in an event's name, conditions, or parameters.

Limits & caveats

  • Modified and new events do not apply to historical data.
  • You can modify up to 50 existing events and create up to 50 events based on existing events.
  • An hour or more passes before modifications take effect.
  • Modifications are calculated client side (before data is sent to Analytics).
  • You can't generate or modify events based on parameters from the items array (e.g., item_brand, item_name, item_id) when you use gtag.js.

  • You can't modify events if you send them in a server-to-server setup, for example, when you use Measurement Protocol.

Before you begin

Before you generate a new event or rename an existing event:


If you have multiple streams connected to your Google Analytics property, you will be asked to choose which stream you want to create or modify your events in.


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