About price assets

Price assets can add more value to your Search Network text ads by giving you a bigger showcase for your services and range of products, and by linking people directly to what interests them on your site. This allows people to find what they want more quickly through your ad.

As an example, let's say you own a hair salon. You could add more generic price assets for “Haircut,” “Hair Coloring,” and “Treatments” to campaigns with more general keywords. Or you could add assets to more targeted ad groups. Your “Hair Color” ad group might include assets like: “Partial Color,” “Full Color,” “Full Color + Conditioning,” and “Semi-permanent Gloss.” Price assets let you give people a range of what your business offers.

In this article, you’ll learn more about the advantages of price assets.

Note: Price assets link directly to your site, so it’s important to make sure your site is optimized for computers and all mobile devices. Learn how to Create an effective mobile site.


Here are a few reasons to consider adding price assets to your ads:

  • Surface your offerings. Price assets showcase your business’s offerings in an interactive format users can scroll through.
  • Make shortcuts to conversions. When people click or tap a specific item on your price menu, they go directly to it on your site.
  • Increase your impact—with minimal work. You won’t need to make new text ads or edit your old ones.
  • Easily updated. Change your item names and description whenever you want, keeping them up-to-date for sales and special offers. And good news—you can edit your price assets without resetting their performance statistics.
  • Flexible and customizable. You can add price assets to an account, campaign, or ad group, depending on which ads you want them to show with. You can also specify the dates, days of week, or times of day your price assets \are eligible to show.

How it works

Price assets appear below your text ad on desktop and mobile, and give you more space to tell people details about what your business offers. They show as a set of up to 8 cards that people can view to review the different options and prices. From your price menu, people can go directly to the item that interests them on your site.

Before you begin

As you’re setting up your price asset, it’s important to keep in mind what people will be searching for when they come across your ad. Think about how specific your ads’ keywords are, and try to match that level of specificity in the asset you create. For instance, if your keywords are aimed at people searching for “luxury sheets,” then your asset should give people the specific information they’d want: the range of sheets they can buy and the price of each kind. Keep in mind that people searching for sheets most likely don’t want to find information about towels or rugs. Price assets may not be available in certain languages and currencies. Find out which languages and currencies are available for price assets in the section below.

Certain asset types have requirements you’ll need to follow to showcase your ads. Refer to the section below for more information.


The sections below provide step-by-step instructions for creating, adding, and editing price assets. Keep in mind that some limits do apply to your Google Ads account. If you use a lot of assets or feeds, it’s recommended to remove or replace items that no longer apply. Learn more About your Google Ads accounts limits

How billing works

The cost of a click on a price asset equals the cost of a click on the title or display URL of the ad it shows with. Price asset clicks are charged when a person clicks on any of the price items. However, clicks on the mobile drop-down to expand the carousel are not charged.

Price assets give people more opportunities to click, but you won't be charged for more than two clicks per impression. Plus, if someone quickly clicks on more than one link while viewing an ad, this may get treated as a duplicate or invalid click and you won't get charged for the second click.

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