Apr 18, 2021
This messages from 6 months "It usually takes a few days, but in some cases can take up to 2 weeks"
Website Name : https://typed-assignment.blogspot.com
For reference 

"This usually takes a few days, but in some cases can take up to 2 weeks. We'll notify you when everything's ready. Then start earning money by placing ads."
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Last edited Apr 18, 2021
Apr 18, 2021
See Blogger support for Themes.
Ask in Blogger if you need help with that.
Any idea about High Quality Content Topics that I can write and chances of approval increase?
Sorry no, if I had any ideas of what I could set up a website about that no one else was doing, i'd do it myself.
I've been thinking about this off and on for several years now, and cannot come up with any new and underserved niches.
But you can always find nonAdsense ad companies.
Original Poster Keshav Raturi marked this as an answer
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All Replies (17)
Apr 18, 2021
Please post the url of the website you applied with.
Apr 18, 2021
So I get it adsense will not support :(
Can you tell me how do I know which template is not dynamic and Where to get the template which adsense like?
Any idea about High Quality Content Topics that I can write and chances of approval increase?
Thankyou so much for writing all this, it means a lot.. I didn't even expected a reply. Thankyou 🙏
See Blogger support for Themes.
Ask in Blogger if you need help with that.
Any idea about High Quality Content Topics that I can write and chances of approval increase?
Sorry no, if I had any ideas of what I could set up a website about that no one else was doing, i'd do it myself.
I've been thinking about this off and on for several years now, and cannot come up with any new and underserved niches.
But you can always find nonAdsense ad companies.
Original Poster Keshav Raturi marked this as an answer
Apr 18, 2021
So, it means google will not give adsense approval unless Jesus ask for it explicitly. I mean from 2021, probability of approval tending to 0.
Apr 18, 2021
With pandemic, more sites online in hopes of making money and fewer advertisers due to business losses, etc, so those advertisers remaining can afford to be really picky, and to bid lower for ads.
Apr 18, 2021
Thankyou so much for the help, Sir. 🙏
Apr 18, 2021
You are welcome.
Good luck with the site!
May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021
Too few posts.
Adsense is looking for high quality original content and well established sites.
Most sites applications -- over 90% -- are rejected.
No one here in the forum works for Google/ Adsense. It is a peer volunteer support system.
However, I've noticed some typical reasons for Adsense not approving an application.
The sites typically:
- Have not Provided enough unique content. This is the main issue.
- Scraped Content --- Posting content compiled from other sources and rewritten/spun is a fundamental policy violation. Scraped content is NOT the same as copyright or plagiarism.
- Have been online for a short time. It takes time to be indexed and get established.
- Have too few indexed posts which leads to
- Have little to no traffic from organic search. If no one visits the site, then no one would see the ads.
- Have content topics for which there is no demand at this time and no more are needed.
Adsense does not specify a minimum number of posts BUT it is usually best to apply when:
- You have been regularly posting for several months (3 to 6 months, at least once/week.)
- You have around 50 original content posts of about 800+ words each in proper sentences and paragraphs.
- (Do not count Privacy, About, Contact pages as they cannot have ads. Read Placement policies.).
Adsense is a contextual system and needs large amounts of proper text articles to be able to target ads.
So sites that won't work with the Adsense program include those publishing content which is typically not formatted in the 800+word text articles, such as image sites, lyrics sites (also have copyright issues), recipes (also too many recipe sites so little/ no demand), Q&A sites, quotes, or sites for their own business or any Affiliate Sites.
More details at these links:
However, just because a site is not suited to Adsense, it does not mean that you cannot look for / use other ad companies or affiliates.
May 11, 2021
Yes I understand the points you said, but when I see other getting adsense just by Scraped content I feel like why should not I..
There are many examples , Let me share two of them 🥺
This is just a lyrics website every lyrics is almost scrapped content.. agree?
Let's look at the latest post at https://lyricssawan.blogspot.com/2021/05/machayenge-3-lyrics-in-english-emiway.html?m=1
First thing, this song even haven't being released..it's release date is 13th May ok
Second, look at the number of ads in that empty post. All are google ads no doubt, as the song even haven't released so it's obvious that this page doesn't contains the lyrics.
Let me share the screenshot if you find difficulty in opening the link :

May 11, 2021
This is a wordpress website https://www.coursejoiner.com/
A to Z copy paste content, just copying a course details and pasting it on the site and getting ads as well, ofc of google.
Let's have a look at this for reference:
Now tell what to do, one side adsen being so generous to them and on the other side...
Schrenshots for reference:

May 11, 2021
Oh I just wrote things without knowing I was logged on with other account here are the replies :
Have a look into it, just wish adsense give notifications of it's own.
Last edited May 11, 2021
May 26, 2021