Metrics, along with filters and breakdowns, determine what data is shown in your reports. Metrics represent the values that you're measuring. For example, you can measure your account performance by reviewing your earnings, number of clicks, number of page views and so on.
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What do metrics do?
Metrics represent the kinds of data or values contained in a report. They're usually arranged in columns and contain numbers or percentages.
When you add breakdowns, metric values are recalculated based on the new order or groupings that the breakdowns create. Adding or removing metrics adds or removes a column of information from your report.
You can also use metrics to help you identify fluctuations in your account performance by comparing individual metric values to a metric's average value.
Where are the metrics in a report?
To access the list of available metrics, click Edit above the chart area.
The metrics already being used in a report appear as column headers in the report table.
Change the displayed metrics
Not all available metrics are displayed by default. You can pick different metrics to display in your reports.
- While viewing your report, click Edit .
- In the 'Pick your metrics' window, select the metrics that you want to add or remove from your report.
Tip: Use the search box to help you find metrics in the list.
- Click Apply.
The selected metrics and data are automatically displayed in your report.