對於啟用個人化和非個人化廣告,AdSense 的「隱私權與訊息」工具提供多種選項。本文將詳述這兩種廣告的不同之處。進一步瞭解 Google 發布商廣告代碼中的廣告個人化設定。
Personalized ads
Personalized advertising (formerly known as interest-based advertising) is a powerful tool that improves advertising relevance for users and increases ROI for advertisers. In all our publisher products, we make inferences about a user’s interests based on the sites they visit or the apps they use. This allows advertisers to target their campaigns according to these interests, providing an improved experience for users and advertisers alike. Learn more about our advertiser policies for personalized ads.
Google considers ads to be personalized when they are based on previously collected or historical data to determine or influence ad selection, including activity like previous search queries, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic information. For example, this could include: demographic targeting, interest category targeting, remarketing, targeting Customer Match lists, and targeting audience lists uploaded in Display & Video 360 or Campaign Manager 360.
非個人化廣告不會根據使用者過往行為來放送廣告,而是使用情境資訊,包括根據目前位置的粗略指定地理區域 (例如城市層級)、目前網站上或應用程式中的內容,以及目前的查詢字詞。放送非個人化廣告時,Google AdSense 會禁止所有做為個人化用途的資料,包括指定客層和指定使用者名單。
雖然非個人化廣告不會將 Cookie 或行動廣告 ID 用於指定廣告目標,但仍會將這些資訊用於設定展示頻率上限及提供廣告匯總報表。
根據英國、瑞士和歐洲經濟區中某些國家/地區的《電子通訊隱私指令》規定,您必須依法取得使用者同意,才能將 Cookie 或行動廣告 ID 用於上述目的。進一步瞭解發布商的 IAB 資訊公開和同意聲明架構第 2.2 版整合作業。