After you've created your search style, follow these steps to copy and paste the code into your search page:
- Sign in to your AdSense account.
- Click Ads for search, then Search styles.
- Click Generate code
- On the "Code generator" page:
- In the "Step 1: Create your containers" section:
- Add the HTML DIV ID of the ad container on your search page. Alternatively you can keep the default container names (e.g., afscontainer1) and update the DIV IDs on your page to match.
- (Optional) Click Add container to add the HTML ID of another container.
- In the "Step 2: Copy and paste your code" section:
- Copy and paste the first code snippet into the
tag of your search page. - Copy and paste the second code snippet into the
tag of your search page.
- Copy and paste the first code snippet into the
- In the "Step 1: Create your containers" section:
- When you're finished, click I'm done.
Code example
Here's an example of a search results page with both code snippets added.
Note: Do not copy the code from this example or your search ads won't work. Make sure you copy and paste the code directly from your AdSense account.
<script async="async" src=""></script>
<!-- other head elements from your page -->
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
arguments)},g[o]['t']=1*new Date})(window,'_googCsa');
<div id="afscontainer1"></div>
<div id="afscontainer2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var pageOptions = {
"pubId": "partner-pub-1234567891234567", // Make sure this is the correct client ID
"styleId": "1234567891", // Make sure this is the correct style id
"query": "" // Make sure the correct query is placed here
var adblock1 = {
"container": "afscontainer1",
var adblock2 = {
"container": "afscontainer2",
_googCsa('ads', pageOptions, adblock1, adblock2);
<script async="async" src=""></script>
<!-- other head elements from your page -->
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
arguments)},g[o]['t']=1*new Date})(window,'_googCsa');
<div id="afscontainer1"></div>
<div id="afscontainer2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var pageOptions = {
"pubId": "partner-pub-1234567891234567", // Make sure this is the correct client ID
"styleId": "1234567891", // Make sure this is the correct style id
"query": "" // Make sure the correct query is placed here
var adblock1 = {
"container": "afscontainer1",
var adblock2 = {
"container": "afscontainer2",
_googCsa('ads', pageOptions, adblock1, adblock2);