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Related search for Auto ads

Related search for Auto ads lets you show your users search terms that are related to the content of the page they're viewing. When users click a related search term, they're taken to a Google-powered search experience that can show AdSense for Search ads and site search results. Turning on related search for Auto ads can encourage your users to explore relevant topics on your site and engage with search ads.

Note: Related search for Auto ads is currently only available for sites with pages in English, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish. If you turn on related search for Auto ads on a site in a different language, related search for Auto ads won't appear.


  • Increased site engagement: Related search for Auto ads can drive more site engagement by helping users discover content relevant to what they're viewing.
  • Relevant search ads: On the search results page, Google can deliver high-quality search ads that are relevant to your users' search terms.
  • Additional revenue: Related search for Auto ads can help you generate additional search ads revenue by driving more traffic to your site search results.
  • Works with your existing ads: Because related search for Auto ads is a navigational unit and not an ad, it doesn't count toward the ad load on the page. Note that the fine-tune your ads controls (beta) do not affect related search for Auto ads.

How related search for Auto ads works

  • When you turn on related search for Auto ads, AdSense inserts a related search experience on your eligible pages.
  • AdSense automatically generates the related search terms for you. Note that the terms and their position may change over time.

How you earn from related search for Auto ads

You get paid if a user clicks on any of the search ads in the search experience. Learn more about the revenue share for related search for Auto ads.

How to turn on related search for Auto ads

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Ads.
  3. In the table of all your sites, click Edit Edit next to your site. Your site opens in the ad settings preview.
  4. Under "Ad settings", make sure Auto ads is turned on.
  5. Click In-page formats, and turn on Related search.
  6. Confirm you agree to the Terms of Service and policies.
  7. Go back to "Ad settings", then click Apply to site.
    Note: Related search for Auto ads units may not appear on your eligible pages immediately.

How to track the performance of related search for Auto ads

  1. Visit the Reports page in AdSense.
  2. Create a custom report and add the "Ad format" breakdown.
  3. Click Edit metrics Edit, select the "Funnel" metrics and click Apply.


Do I need an Adsense for Search (AFS) account to turn on related search for Auto ads?

No. While related search for Auto ads displays search ads, an AFS account is not required to turn on related search for Auto ads. You are only required to have Auto ads enabled to turn on related search for Auto ads.

My site doesn't have an existing search experience. Can I still sign up for related search for Auto ads?

Yes. When users click a related search term, they're taken to a Google-powered search experience that shows ads and results from your site.

Which of my pages are eligible for related search for Auto ads?

Any page with sufficient text content is eligible. Because related search for Auto ads generates terms based on content, content-rich pages will generate more relevant terms, resulting in better performance. Note that Related Search will only display pages rendered in English, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish.

My page is eligible, why am I not seeing related search for Auto ads?

Although a page might be eligible, if we determine there are no relevant queries to display, we won't render related search for Auto ads on the page. Related search for Auto ads takes steps to filter adult content and content with sensitive connotations from being suggested. We recommend you also review: How query parameters impact related search for Auto ads.

I'm seeing search results from outside my site, why is this?

When a query doesn't return enough relevant results from your site, we may include results from the wider web. This provides more value to the user and helps maintain your compliance with the Custom Search Ads policies. When results from the wider web are displayed, we indicate this to the user on the search results page.

Opt in to third-party ads

Third-party ads are available for this ad format. Learn how to opt in to show third-party ads on your search results pages.

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