In European regulations messages, you can ask your users to consent to the use of data for different purposes by your own site (also called "purposes for your own use"). When selecting these purposes, specify "None" (default), "Consent," or "Legitimate interest". Your selections must adhere to the IAB policies document.
If you are using user data on your site to personalize recommendations, you would seek user consent for the appropriate IAB TCF v2.2 purpose.
Select purposes for your own use
- Sign in to your AdSense account.
- Click Privacy & messaging.
- Click European regulations.
- Click Settings.
- Click
in the "Select your own data purposes for your sites" section. The list of purposes opens.
- Select the purposes for which you want to request user consent.
- For each purpose for which you want to request user consent, choose Consent or Legitimate interest. Review the IAB policies document and the Publisher integration with the IAB TCF v2.2 article for more information about each purpose.
- To remove a purpose, choose None. This is the default.
- If this is the first time you're requesting consent for purposes for your own use, or if you are changing the purposes for your own use, choose whether to ask returning users to consent again:
- If you select the "Users will be asked to give consent for new ad partners" option, users that have already consented to an earlier set of purposes (including those that have consented to your vendors' purposes) are asked to consent again. The new purposes are included in the consent string of users that consent.
- If you do not select the "Users will be asked to give consent for new ad partners" option, only new users will be asked to consent. The new purposes are not included in the consent strings of returning users.
- Click Done.
- Click Save. A message is displayed confirming that all existing messages will be updated.
- Click OK. All existing messages for this site are updated, and new messages include purposes for your site in the consent message.
How your EU consent message is affected
When you request consent for your own use of data, the "Manage options" portion of the consent message includes the list of purposes you've selected.