Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about account issues.
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Disabled account
There may be a problem with the AdSense or Google Ads accounts associated with the Google Account you're using to sign up. If you're encountering an error when you try to sign up, review the list of AdMob sign-up errors to find more information.
You can also review the AdSense and Google Ads Terms and Conditions:
If you suspect invalid click activity by a third-party, use the invalid activity form to report it to our traffic quality team.
Because we have a need to protect our proprietary detection system, we're unable to provide our publishers with any information about their account activity, including any web pages, users, or third-party services that may have been involved.
As you may know, Google treats invalid click activity very seriously, analyzing all clicks and impressions to determine whether they fit a pattern of use that may artificially drive up an advertiser's costs or a publisher's earnings. If we determine that an AdSense account may pose a risk to our Google Ads advertisers, we may disable that account to protect our advertisers' interests.
As outlined in our Terms and Conditions, Google will use its sole discretion when determining instances of invalid click activity.
If you previously participated in AdSense and your account was disabled for invalid click activity, you cannot participate in AdMob.
We're always willing to work with you to resolve any issues you may have.
If your account has been disabled for invalid activity:
If you feel that this decision was made in error, and if you can maintain in good faith that the invalid click activity was not due to the actions or negligence of you or those for whom you are responsible, you may appeal the disabling of your account by using the Invalid traffic appeal form.
If your account has been disabled for policy reasons:
If you feel that this decision was made in error, and if you can maintain in good faith that the policy violations accrued were not due to the actions or negligence of you or those for whom you are responsible, you may appeal the disabling of your account using the Policy violation appeal - account disabled form.
Once we receive your appeal, we'll do our best to inform you quickly and will proceed with appropriate action as necessary. Please understand, however, that there is no guarantee that your account will be reinstated.
Please also bear in mind that once we've reached a decision on your appeal, further appeals may not be considered, and you may not receive any further communication from us.
If it’s an app-level violation, you’ll be notified in your AdMob account and via email that ad serving was disabled. You can view more information on the specific violation we found in the Policy center of your AdMob account. You can request a review of your app once you have fixed the issue, or if you believe your app has been incorrectly labelled with an issue.
If it’s an account-level violation, you’ll be notified via email that we've disabled ad serving to your account.
Just as with invalid click activity, we're unable to provide our publishers with any information about relations we find between publishers' accounts. Please understand that we take this precaution with all of our publishers for the sake of protecting our proprietary detection system.
Please also bear in mind that Google reserves the right to disable an account for any reason. If we determine that an AdMob account may pose a risk to our advertisers, we may disable that account in order to protect our advertisers' interests.
Publishers disabled for invalid traffic and/or violations of our publisher policies may be eligible for a final payment of the portion of their revenue that has not been identified as invalid. Upon account disablement, a 30-day payment hold is put in place to enable calculation of this final payment (where applicable). Following this 30-day period, please visit to view your remaining eligible balance (if any) and arrange for payment. Deductions from your final balance for invalid traffic and/or publisher policy violations will be refunded to affected advertisers where appropriate and possible.
Each user may only have one AdMob account at any given time. Duplicate accounts aren’t allowed.
If you have more than one AdMob account, you’ll need to decide which account to keep, and then cancel the extra account(s).