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Create a rewarded ad unit

Note: For more information about rewarded ad units, see Overview of rewarded ad units.

Rewarded ad units enable users to play games, take surveys, or watch videos to earn in-app rewards, such as coins, extra lives, or points. You can set different rewards for different ad units, and specify the reward values and items users will receive.

Rewarded ad units can show video ads and interactive ads. The maximum length to grant a reward is 30 seconds.

AdMob rewarded ad policies

When you implement rewarded ad units in your apps, be sure to review the AdMob help center rewarded inventory policy section.

To create a rewarded ad unit, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  3. Select the name of the app you're creating this ad unit for. If you can't find it in the list of recent apps, you can click Add app to add a new app or click View all apps to search a list of all of the apps you've added to AdMob.
  4. Click Ad units in the sidebar.
  5. Click Get started. If you've already created ad units for this app, click Add ad unit
  6. Click Select for the Rewarded ad format.
  7. Enter a name for this ad unit. Tip: Include relevant information, such as ad format and location in your app to make it easier to identify later.

  8. Complete the reward settings for this ad unit:
    • Reward amount: Enter the number of reward items the user will receive. Must be a whole number.
    • Reward item: Enter the name of reward item the user will receive. Examples: Coins, extra lives
    • Checkbox: Overrides rewarded settings provided by third-party ad networks. Checked by default.
  9. (optional) Complete the advanced settings for this ad unit:
    • Ad type: Choose the ad type(s) allowed to be shown in this ad unit. You can choose any combination of ad types by checking the boxes. Unchecking all of the boxes will result in an error. You must choose at least one ad type for each ad unit. Tip: To try and help maximize revenue for this ad unit, we suggest checking all of the boxes.

    • Server-side verification: Validate each completed rewarded video ad view and ensure you're only rewarding users who have actually finished watching the video in your app. Learn more about setting up and testing SSV.
    • Frequency capping: Determines the number of times this ad unit can show an ad to the same user. You can choose not to set a limit, or you can limit ads for each user by the number shown per minute, hour, or day.
    • eCPM floor: You can set an eCPM floor (also known as a minimum eCPM) for each ad unit you create. This instructs the AdMob Network not to serve ads to this ad unit with eCPM values below the minimum eCPM you’ve set. Select how you want to set the eCPM floor:

      1.  Google optimized: Google dynamically sets your floors based on your users’ geographic locations, ad unit’s traffic, and historical data. Using Google optimized eCPM floors can help you maximize total revenue. You can choose how Google optimizes your eCPM floor by selecting one of the following methods:
        • High floor (Beta): Google will maximize the higher paying ads.
        • Medium floor (Beta): Google will balance higher paying ads and fill rate. 
        • All prices: Google will maximize fill rate at all price points.  
          The AdMob interface showing eCPM in ad units
      2. Manual floor: You manually set the value of the minimum eCPM for each ad unit. The AdMob Network won’t serve ads with an eCPM below the minimum eCPM you’ve set to the ad unit.
      3. Disabled: There is no eCPM floor on this ad unit.
      Note: This eCPM floor only applies to the AdMob Network. It does not apply to third-party ad networks and custom events configured as ad sources in a mediation group.
    • (optional) Country-specific floors: If you've selected Manual floor as the eCPM floor in the previous step, you can click Add country-specific floors to add country-specific eCPM floors for this ad unit. Country-specific eCPM floors will override this ad unit’s global eCPM value only when ad requests originate from the selected country.
      1. Select a country for which you want to set a specific floor. It will be added to the list of selected countries. You can select whole regions, or expand each section to view the individual countries within a region.
      2. Click Edit beside the country or region you selected and enter an eCPM floor value. 
      3. Click Set to save the eCPM value. 
      4. Repeat these steps as required.
  10. Click Create ad unit.
  11. Follow the Google Developers instructions for Android, iOS, or Unity to implement rewarded ad units in your app code. You will need your app ID and ad unit ID during implementation.
    This ad unit won't show ads until you've completed this step. If you're not ready to implement the ad unit, you can click Email this to send the instructions by email or click Done to exit the page.

Server-side verification

Server-side verification acts as an additional layer of validation for rewarded ad views in your app. It’s performed in addition to the standard client-side callback. You can use server-side verification to validate each completed rewarded video ad view and ensure you're only rewarding users who have actually finished watching the video in your app.

Each time a user finishes viewing a rewarded video ad, Google will use the postback URL you provide to validate the view. The server-side verification callback will append query parameters to your postback url describing the rewarded video interaction. For more details, refer to the rewarded SSV guide on Google Developers. 


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