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Add filters to your reports

Filters, along with metrics and dimensions, determine what data is shown in your reports. They can help you understand your reporting data, find trends, and drill down to the information you really need. You can use filters to look at specific apps, ad units, countries or regions, and formats across a specified date range. Add multiple filters to your reports to further refine your data. Each report has its own unique set of filters.

What do filters do?

Functionally, filters hide unnecessary or unwanted data from your reports. When you select a filter, you're defining what you want to have in the report, and AdMob will hide anything that doesn't match the criteria in its filters.

Where are the filters in a report?

Filters can be added, removed, and adjusted in the Filter area at the top of any report. The filters you add will be applied to all of the charts and tables within the same report.

An example of report filters in AdMob

Filters are optional. Only the Date filter is required.

Change the Date filter

The Date filter helps you narrow the range of data that appears in your report. You can select an explicit date using the calendar, or select a relative date, such as “Today” or “Last 7 days”. This filter is required and applied to all of your reports by default, but you can edit the filter to change the default settings.

The ad mob interface showing a date picker in reports.

Complete the following steps to make changes to the Date filter in a report:

  1. Click the Date filter in the Filter area at the top of your report.
  2. Select a relative date range from the list or specify an exact date range using the calendar.
  3. Click Apply to apply the filter to your report.
Relative date ranges (e.g., Today or Last 7 days) show different data depending on when you access the saved report.
  • Example: You save a report on September 30, 2022 with the relative date range of “Last 7 days”. When you view the report again on October 21 2022 it shows you data for October 15 - 21, 2022-- the 7 days before the date on which you’re viewing the report.

Explicit date ranges will remain set regardless of when you access the saved report and will always show you data for the same date range. 

  • Example: You save a report with an explicit date range of September 24 - 30, 2022. When you view the report 6 months later, it will still show data for September 24 - 30, 2022.

Edit a filter

In the Filter area, click the filter you want to edit. Make adjustments to its settings and click Apply. Changing a filter will change the information shown or hidden in your report.

Remove a filter

In the Filter area, click the filter you want to remove. Click Clear all and click Apply. Removing a filter will change the information shown or hidden in your report. 

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Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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