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Form of payment

Wire transfer FAQ

We understand that you might have questions about bank transfer payments. Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Note: When adding your bank account information, enter the details exactly as they appear on file with your bank to avoid payment issues.
No payment after 15 business days? The AdSense Support Team can help

What happens when you contact us:

  1. We review your payment history and confirm whether your payment was issued successfully.
  2. If your payment was cancelled, we contact your bank to find out why, then let you know how to fix the issue and receive your payment.
  3. If it wasn't cancelled, we put you in touch with our finance team who help you track your payment with a SWIFT copy/UTR. Your bank can use the SWIFT copy/UTR to find your payment as it contains information such as the time and date when the bank received your payment.

To contact us, follow the steps in this troubleshooter.

Frequently asked questions about bank transfer


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My payment failed

How can I find out if my payment has failed?
You should contact your bank to find out if your payment has failed.
Why did my payment fail?

The most common reasons why payments fail include:

  • The bank details in your payee profile don't exactly match the details of your bank account
  • Your bank account number is invalid
  • You didn't provide a SWIFT code
  • You didn't provide any intermediary bank details
At what stage did my payment fail?
Your payment was rejected when the money was sent from the intermediary bank to your own bank.
When should I contact AdSense Support regarding a failed payment?
You can contact AdSense Support after 15 working days have passed and you’ve contacted your bank.
My bank is asking for a UTR number. What is that?
UTR (some banks use the term 'SWIFT copy') is another term for a payment reference number or a proof of payment. If your bank is unable to find your payment, we can provide you with a UTR number to help your bank trace your payment.
My bank can't find my payment. What should I do?
If 15 working days have passed since your payment was issued and you haven’t received it, please get in touch with us via this contact form. We'll provide you with a SWIFT copy/UTR to track your payment. The SWIFT copy/UTR is a unique payment number which will help your bank to locate your payment. It contains information such as the time and date when your bank received your payment.
What will the AdSense Support Team do after I've contacted them?
We'll open an investigation with your bank to review the status of your payment. After we have heard from your bank, we'll get back in touch and give you an update on your payment. Note that this process can take two-three weeks.

We'll also provide you with a SWIFT copy/UTR to help your bank locate your payment. The SWIFT copy/UTR contains information such as the time and date when the bank received your payment. When you have the SWIFT copy/UTR, ask your bank to use it to find your payment.

My payment was rejected because I provided incorrect bank details. What should I do?
Please ask your bank to cancel the payment. Google will recall the funds and reissue the payment. Note that this process will take around 15 working days.
My payment failed because I provided the wrong bank account details/my bank account is closed. Can the money be returned to my AdSense account?
Unfortunately, we can't ask for your payment to be returned to your AdSense account. If your payment failed because you have provided the wrong bank account details, then your bank will return the funds and we will reissue your payment. You can think of it like an ATM: after you have withdrawn money with your card, you can't push the money back into the ATM, so the same principle applies here.

Please ask your bank to cancel the payment. Google will recall the funds and reissue the payment. Note that this process will take around 15 working days.

My bank account was closed but the payment went to it anyway, what should I do?
Please contact your bank to determine how they handle funds that have been sent to a closed bank account. If your bank cannot apply the funds, they'll probably send the funds back to your AdSense account. We'll then be able to reissue your payment to an open bank account.
I received a SWIFT copy from the AdSense Support Team but I still haven't received my payment. What should I do?
Example of a SWIFT copy.
If you've received a SWIFT copy like the example shown above, it means that your payment went through to your bank but your bank has not yet applied it to your account. Please contact your bank for more information. It's now solely the responsibility of your bank to locate your payment. We cannot provide you with any more information beyond this 'proof of payment'.
My bank is asking for an MT103. What is that?
MT103 is another term for a payment reference number or a proof of payment. If your bank is unable to find your funds, then we can provide you with an MT103 for your bank to trace your payment.

Adding bank account information for bank transfers

Which bank should I use to receive bank transfers?

You can choose the bank that you'd like to receive your AdSense payments, provided that you have an account with that institution.

We recommend that you talk to your bank and get details of their transaction fees and the information that they will need to process your payments. Note that after sending the bank transfer, it cannot be diverted to another bank.

Which bank should I use to receive wire transfers?
Can my bank account receive international bank transfers?

Only your bank can confirm that your account is able to receive AdSense payments via international bank transfer. We recommend that you consult your bank and verify that your account accepts this type of transaction. Your bank can also inform you of any fees that you might be charged to receive bank transfers.

Can my bank account receive international wire transfers?
Can I set up somebody else’s bank account to receive my payment?

Yes, you can. Please make sure that the payee details that you enter in your payee profile in your AdSense account exactly match the beneficiary bank details of the account holder, otherwise your payment will fail. If your payment fails it can take up to two three to weeks before your payment will be re-issued.

Can I set up somebody else’s bank account to receive my payment?
When I go to the bank, what information do I need to ask for in order to fill in the payment details in my AdSense account?
If you're unsure about what payment details to enter in your AdSense account, then we recommend that you take a printout of the form to your bank, so that your bank can advise you on exactly what information is required.
My bank is asking for a document that shows the nature of my payment. What can I provide them?
You can provide your bank with a copy of the AdSense Terms and Conditions. 'Part 5 (Payments)' is the relevant section that explains the nature of your payment.
What is the necessary banking information to receive my payment?

To receive your payments, you'll need the following information (all required):

  • Bank account number
  • Name of account holder
  • SWIFT code
  • Bank name
  • Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) (India only)
  • Bank identification code (BIK) (Russia only)

The information below is optional, and you should only provide it if required by your bank:

  • SWIFT code of the intermediary bank
  • Name of intermediary bank
  • Any 'For Further Credit' or 'For Benefit Of' instructions that your bank requires
Where do I get the necessary banking information for payment?
Contact your bank for the banking information necessary to process your payments.
Do I need to send my bank details every time I have to receive a payment?
No. We'll use the bank details that you have provided for all of your future payments, until you give us new bank account details.
What is the SWIFT code?
The SWIFT code is a unique identification code for banks and other financial institutions. Your bank can provide you with the correct SWIFT code to use.

A SWIFT copy is an electronic copy of the proof of payment document sent to your bank. The SWIFT copy acts as a confirmation of payment from Google to your bank.

Can the AdSense Support Team help me fill in my bank account details in the payment section in my AdSense account?
Unfortunately, the AdSense Support Team is unable to fill in this information as your bank account details are sensitive and confidential data. Please don't share this data in your correspondence with us.
I've sent my bank details but I would like to change them. How do I do this?

To provide the correct information, you must add a new bank account (by visiting your 'Payments page', or by clicking on the red alert in your account that says 'Your payments are currently on hold'), and then remove the existing bank account.

To protect the privacy and security of your banking information, AdSense Support does not have access to edit or remove the information that you've entered.

My bank account information was entered incorrectly. What should I do?

It’s essential that your bank account information is entered correctly as payouts will be issued to the bank account on file. Should you notice that the information entered is incorrect, please review your payment details and add a new bank account as soon as possible.

Note that a payout cannot be re-issued if the funds reach a valid bank account. If the bank rejects the payout, then the funds will be returned to your account.

If a payout is issued and your bank account information has been entered incorrectly, then please contact your bank immediately.

Should I enter localised characters or Latin characters for my bank account details?

Please enter Latin characters when you enter your bank account details. If you try to enter localised characters, you’ll see an error in your account.

Should I enter localized characters or Latin characters for my bank account details?
Do I need to verify my bank account with a test deposit?
No, we don’t send a test deposit for bank transfers and you don’t need to enter the amount of a test deposit.
Can I use a bank account that's not in the same country?
No. You can't add a bank account that's not based in your country. Please enter the bank account that matches your 'Payee profile' address. Please also make sure that the country code in your SWIFT code matches the country code in your AdSense account. For example, if your SWIFT code is 'KZKOKZKXXXX', 'KZKO' is the code for the name of the bank, 'KZ' is the country code and 'KXXXX' is the code for the branch.
My bank account number has hyphens. Should I enter the hyphens when adding my bank account information?
No. If your account number contains hyphens, please remove them when you enter your bank account number in your account. You only need to enter the numbers.
What is an intermediary bank?
An intermediary bank is a bank that acts on behalf of your bank to facilitate international fund transfers. Payments go through the intermediary bank before being credited to your bank.
How do I find out which intermediary bank details I need to enter?
Please check with your bank to determine which intermediary bank your bank uses to process these transactions.
Do I need to enter the intermediary bank information?
If you’re unsure whether or not you should provide intermediary bank details, then please ask your bank. The intermediary bank details are optional. If you're required by your bank to enter the intermediary bank details, then please do so in your account. Note that for US dollar payments the intermediary bank must be based in the United States; for euro payments the intermediary bank must be based in the Eurozone.
What will happen if I don’t provide the required intermediary bank details?
Your payment will fail or be rejected by the your bank. You'll then need to ask your bank to cancel your payment in case it's stuck. Incorrect intermediary bank information can delay a bank transfer by as long as three months. Generally, we recommend using larger international banks for bank transfers as they have the most direct financial relationships.

Receiving payments via bank transfer

How long does it take for a bank transfer to arrive?
Funds sent by bank transfer will usually arrive at your bank within three working days. Once your bank receives the funds, it may take several working days before the funds are made available in your account. For a more specific disbursement timeline, please contact your bank.
Why haven’t I received my payment?

You might not have received your payment because:

  • Your payment has been delayed.
    The length of time it takes for your wire transfer to arrive in your bank account may vary depending on your country and banking institution. If your payment hasn't arrived after 15 working days, you should contact your bank.
  • Your payment has failed due to one of the following reasons:
    • The bank details in your payee profile don't exactly match the details of your bank account
    • Your bank account number is invalid
    • You didn't provide a SWIFT code
    • You didn't provide any intermediary bank details.
All my previous payments were on time but my most recent payment is late. Why?
If all your payments were successful previously, this means that your payment is simply delayed by your bank. If you have not received your payment after 15 working days have passed since the issue date, please contact your bank.
My bank requires a copy of my contract with Google. Where do I get it?
To obtain a copy of your contract with Google to submit to your bank, visit the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions.
My AdSense account reports that the payment was made, but I cannot find it in my bank account. What do I do?
International bank transfers can take a few days to arrive at your bank and there may be a delay before the funds are available in your account. If it's been at least three working days since Google sent your bank transfer, you may need to contact your bank to confirm the payment. If your bank has not received the payment within 15 working days, please follow the steps in this troubleshooter to contact us. Note that we cannot trace your earnings if it's been less than 15 working days.

We'll confirm whether your payment was issued successfully or declined. If your payment was declined, we'll investigate with the bank and let you know the reason why and how to fix the issue. If your payment was issued successfully, we'll put you in touch with our finance team who will provide you with a SWIFT copy/UTR to track your payment. Your bank can use the SWIFT copy/UTR to find your payment as it contains information such as the time and date when the bank received your payment. When you have the SWIFT copy/UTR, ask your bank to use it to find your payment.

Is there any formal proof of my AdSense payment?
Yes, we provide a payment receipt as formal proof of your payments. To view your payment receipt, click the automatic payment link on your 'Payment history' page.
Will my bank transfer payment be split?
No. We'll send you a single payment. Bank transfer payments are not divided up.

Fees, exchange rate and currency

What are the fees I have to pay to receive bank transfers?

Google does not charge you a fee to receive your funds but you may be charged fees by your bank. Contact your bank to ask about exchange rates and other fees that will apply to your payments.

If you want to adjust your payment schedule to minimise the fees charged by your bank, you can temporarily hold your payments. Learn how to hold your payments.

What are the fees I have to pay to receive wire transfers?
I don’t agree with the fee charged by my bank. Can I cancel the transfer?
No. Once sent to your bank, the transfer cannot be cancelled.
I received less than what I see in my invoice. Does Google apply commission?
No. Google doesn't apply commission to your finalised earnings. If the amount that you receive is different from the amount that was issued from your AdSense account, then please contact your bank about their commission fees.

For more information about what you get paid, see these articles about the AdSense revenue share and the the difference between estimated and finalized earnings.

What is the exchange rate?
Depending on your country and your bank, your payment may need to be exchanged into local currency. If so, the exchange rate is determined by your bank. Please contact your bank directly for more information.
In what currency will I receive my monthly payout?
Google will issue payouts in either USD or Euros, depending on your country. However, your bank may change the funds into the local currency in order to deposit the money into your bank account.
Does the primary currency of my bank account matter?

Banks in some countries are able to receive funds in either USD or Euros (depending on the country) and then change the funds into your local currency. If your bank offers the ability to open accounts in USD or Euros, this option is preferred. Please check with your bank to confirm what will work best for you.

Note that payouts for accounts in Russia can only be paid to bank accounts denominated in USD.

Bank transfer troubleshooter

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