Manage Account

Manage Account payment FAQs

How long does it take for payment preferences to begin with MCM?

Once a child publisher accepts a parent publisher's invitation, payments in respect of MCM may take up to 24 hours to take effect.

What revenue is included in the auto-payment to parent publishers?

The auto-payment to managers only includes Google monetization revenue from the Ad Exchange account in the child network that is gained from Preferred Deals, Programmatic Guaranteed, Private Auctions, Open Bidding, and Open Auctions as defined in the Service Specific Terms - Google Ad Manager Service (“Google Monetization”).

Third-party revenue obtained in Ad Manager outside of Google monetization from an Ad Exchange account, isn’t auto-paid to managers.

Can I update the revenue share?

Revenue shares cannot be updated within an existing agreement.

In order to change the allocated revenue share, the parent publisher must end the agreement and send a new invitation with a new proposed auto-payment percentage.

When will managers receive the auto-payment?

The auto-payment percentage should begin to apply within one day of when the publisher accepts your Multiple Customer Management invitation in their Ad Manager account. Please check the "Payment timelines" section for more details on how the Ad Exchange payment cycle operates throughout the month.

When a parent has multiple child networks associated to their MCM account, how are the payments resulting from auto-payment broken down?

In payment transactions for MCM parent networks, the auto-payment revenue from child networks is aggregated based on environment type and has the label “host”.

Payments combine all Ad Exchange transactions for a given environment type.


You might see:

  • Earnings - Ad Exchange for Content - host
  • Earnings - Ad Exchange for Video - host
  • Earnings - Ad Exchange for Mobile Content Applications - host
  • Earnings - Ad Exchange for Games - host

These lines are the sum payments for the auto-payment percentage of all non-guaranteed transactions, across all child accounts that have accepted auto-payment, for each environment.

Payments for Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals, including payments resulting from auto-payment from child publishers, are listed separately under:

  • Earnings - Ad Exchange - Guaranteed Deals
  • Earnings - Ad Exchange - Preferred Deals

Can the payments resulting from auto-payment to the MCM parent (manager) be broken down by child networks?

Yes, if you have the auto-payment functionality enabled with the child publishers you’re managing, you can see the payment breakdown by child publishers.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Multiple Customer Management.
    The "Payments" tab is selected by default.

This payments breakdown includes all payments, after deductions.

Can I view a payment breakdown by Ad Exchange product?

Yes. For each child publisher, you can review a breakdown of payments for the following Ad Exchange products: Content, Content Applications, Games, Guaranteed Deals, Preferred Deals, and Video.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Multiple Customer Management.
  3. Next to the name of a child publisher, click Expand Expand.
  4. Under “Product type,” locate the Ad Exchange product you want to review.
  5. Review the payments breakdown for the following data:
    • Total payments
    • Payment to parent
    • Payment to child
    • Deductions

Can I see an overview of performance for all the child publishers I manage?

All Ad Manager 360 partners using MCM can check the Payments tab, which provides payment details for each child publisher. 

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Multiple Customer Management. 
    The "Payments" tab is selected by default.

To check performance metrics for each child publisher, consult reporting in each network you manage:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Multiple Customer Management, and then Child publishers
  3. Under "Account access," click Go to child network for a child publisher.
    Account access requires the Manage Account delegation type.
  4. On a data card, click View in reporting.
    Learn more about Home workspace data cards or reporting in Google Ad Manager.

If the child network has a different currency than the parent, in what currency will the parent receive the auto-payment?

The parent will receive auto-payment in the default currency set up in the parent network, even if the currency of the child publisher network is different.

Why am I seeing discrepancies between the total sum of estimated earnings from my child networks and the amount auto-paid for the same timeframe?

The reports in the child networks show estimated earnings for each transaction type. These earnings may include deductions for various reasons. Also, minor discrepancies between the amounts auto-paid in the parent network and the amounts of estimated earnings in the child publisher networks may be due to:

  • Time zone differences between the child networks and the parent network.
  • Currency conversions in the case of networks with different payment currencies.

Ad Manager reports reflect:

  • Gross revenue for all Programmatic Direct campaigns (including Preferred Deals and Programmatic Guaranteed).
  • Net revenue for all other transaction types.

How does auto-payment work for Ad Manager 360 platform partners?

The MCM invitation includes all the specific terms of the management arrangement, including the manager’s desired auto-payment percentage. This is the percentage of the child publisher earnings that the manager will automatically receive in exchange for their services.

The auto-payment percentage for reseller partners is 100% of the child publisher’s earnings, as part of the reseller model.

The auto-payment percentage only applies to earnings from the Ad Exchange account in the child network that are gained from Preferred Deals, Programmatic Guaranteed, Private Auctions, Open Bidding, and Open Auctions as defined in the Service Specific Terms - Google Ad Manager Service (“Google Monetization”).

Third-party revenue obtained in Ad Manager outside of Google monetization from the Ad Exchange account, including revenue from other linked Ad Exchange accounts, isn’t auto-paid to managers.

Payment information should be ready around the 15th of the month, or the next business day after the previous month's closure. To view payment information, click Billing, then Payments

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