AMP Pages, Stories, and AMPHTML ads

Activate programmatic demand in Web Stories

Programmatic demand is available to increase your revenue from ads within your Web Stories. Programmatic demand can also be used to backfill Web Story ad unit line items. Currently, only Google Display ads are available through Ad Manager.

Read about Story Ads and Web Story monetization.

Create an ad unit for Web Stories

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Create an Ad Exchange line item.

    Select the size "1x1 (custom)" when adding the creative.

  3. Create a corresponding ad unit in Ad Manager.

    To allow Google Display Ads to serve, your Ad types & backup ads rules should include a rule to allow "Image/rich media & text ads" for your ad unit.
  4. Click Inventory and then Ad units and navigate to the ad unit created for your Web Story.

Embed the ad unit in your Web Story

  1. Embed the ad unit in your Web Story with the <amp-story-auto-ads> tag.

    For example:
    <script type="application/json">
        "ad-attributes": {
           "type": "doubleclick",
           "data-slot": "/30197360/a4a/my_story_360"

    Copy the data-slot value generated from your ad unit and replace the highlighted code in the configuration above. Include the amp-story-auto-ads JavaScript file in your webpage's <head>.

Target the ad unit in Ad Manager

  1. Target the Ad Exchange line item to the Ad Manager ad unit.


At this time, there is no separate reporting dimension available in Ad Manager specifically for Web Story ads.

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