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Reach reports

Create a Reach report to see the number of unique visitors in your Ad Manager network. #Ad Manager reporting

Reach report data represents the number of unique visitors exposed to different advertisers, orders, line items, or ad units in your Google Ad Manager network over a given time period. Reach report data is available for up to 1 year.

Reach reports don’t include impressions from Ad Exchange or AdSense, and only shows data about your reservation traffic.

Reach reports include updated methodologies for aggregating data and calculating reach. This new method isn’t compatible with the previous version of your Reach report and shouldn’t be compared to previous datasets. Learn more about how reach is calculated.

Create a Reach report

Create your own report, or use one of the Reach report templates with dimensions and metrics selected for you. For instructions to use templates, go to Start a report from a template.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, then Reports.
  3. Click New report.
  4. Under "Report type", click Edit and select Reach. Click Done.
  5. Select a date range.
  6. Select one or more dimensions and metrics:​
    One of the following dimensions might be required depending on the Unique Reach metric desired: "Ad unit ID", "Line item", "Order", or "Advertiser". Other dimensions may also be required if the report is broken down by specific time periods.
    • Total unique visitors
      The total unique audiences reached by the ad and exposed to different advertisers, orders, line items, or ad units in your network. This metric is the result of de-duplication of individual users across many platforms. It's not limited to the number of web cookies or mobile identifiers (IDFAs AdIDs) for in-app environments.

    • Total reach impressions
      The total impressions for the unique audiences reached by the ad.

    • Average impressions/unique visitor
      The estimated total number of impressions for each unique visitor your network reached. Represents how frequently an ad was viewed by your audience. Available only when the "Country" dimension is included in your report.
      Calculated by dividing "Total ad impressions" by "Total reach."

  7. (Optional) Click Add filter to narrow the report results. Your Reach report supports filtering by ad unit, order, advertiser, line item, or country.
    Select the dimensions before you filter your Reach report results.
  8. (Optional) Schedule and share your report.
  9. Click Run.

Data availability timeline

We have improved Reach report metrics to make them compatible with arbitrary date ranges.

Reach report data is generated for all networks at the end of each day, based on the US/Pacific time zone. However, it may take up to 3 days for data to be available in Ad Manager.

How Google calculates reach

Previously, Ad Manager relied on cookies to calculate reach. Now, reach is calculated using a collection of data from various devices. Due to this change in calculation, data appearing in your new Reach report can’t compare to data from your previous report, or your Historical report. There are significant improvements in how data displays.

Even if no new impressions are generated, reach steadily increases. For extended campaigns, line items, or queries, the actual rate of increase may slow down over time.

Supported countries

Reach reports can be used to analyze data generated by campaigns targeting supported countries.


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