Measure revenue lift for Private Auctions

You can identify low-performing Private Auction deals to take action on with revenue lift metrics. The metrics are on the list of buyers in a Private Auction or under the Per deal tab from the Private Auction homepage.

How revenue lift is calculated

Revenue lift compares two values:

  • Actual revenue earned from a Private Auction deal
  • Predicted revenue based on a small sample of ad requests

The sample ad requests are used in a simulation that evaluates how inventory would have performed if the Private Auction deal had not existed.

  • Ad requests that would have been satisfied by the Private Auction deal in question are instead satisfied by some other demand channel—another Private Auction deal or in the Open Auction—or not satisfied at all.
  • The revenue earned from these other channels is measured and normalized to compare with actual revenue earned by the Private Auction deal in question. 
  • Revenue lift is the difference between these two values.

Evaluate Private Auction performance

Revenue lift helps you evaluate performance of Private Auction deals. 

  • Positive lift: Suggests you're earning more with the active deal than you would have if you stopped the deal.
  • Negative lift: Suggests you could have earned more with the inventory if you hadn't included the buyer in the Private Auction.
  • Negligible: Lift is within $10 USD (inclusive) per week and, therefore, considered having minor lift.

Revenue lift metrics are actively updated for every transacting Private Auction deal. Metrics are normalized to a 7-day estimate and are inclusive of all queries where the Private Auction deal is eligible. Once the Private Auction deal has ended, metrics no longer appear and  N/A is displayed.

Take action if underperforming

Reasons Private Auction deals underperform include:

  • Not enough or no buyers in auction are bidding
  • Bidders bidding below the minimum CPM
  • High minimum CPM in your Private Auction deals where DSPs prioritize bidding on lower CPM deals

Best plan of action is to stop the Private Auction deal. Alternatively, allow Open Auction bids to compete with Private Auction bids. This may help increase revenue through increased competition. However, individual DSPs may opt to respond with a deal ID despite having a better Open Auction bid. If enough DSPs respond in this way, you may continue to observe negative or negligible lift.

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