Proposal negotiation statuses & stages

Status and stages reflect where proposals are in their lifecycle

Every proposal has a status the reflects where it is in negotiation. In addition, proposals can be in certain stages that reflect its relationship to negotiation or delivery.

Negotiation statuses

Status Description
Buyer review requested Proposal has been retracted for further change after you request acceptance from the buyer but before the  buyer has had a chance to accept the proposal. Status lets you know that buyer has a version that could be different from the one you're working with. 
Review requested The buyer has made changes to a proposal and sent it back for your review.
Buyer acceptance requested

A formal offer has been extended to the buyer. Once the buyer accepts, the proposal is sold and inventory reserved for corresponding line items. The proposal is considered finalized but can be reopened for renegotiation.

Terminated You or the buyer terminated negotiation on a proposal.
Finalized Proposal was accepted by the buyer. Inventory is reserved for corresponding line items, and the campaign will deliver per the terms represented in this proposal. To ensure there are no delays in Ad Manager serving, make sure proposals are finalized at least 12 hours before the earliest proposal line item's start time. It is best practice to leave at least 24 hours between the configuration time of the deal by the Display & Video 360 buyer and the start time of the deal line item, to allow for buyside creative scans and approvals.


Stage Description

The proposal is not under any negotiation. 

A request for proposal (RFP) is buyer initiated from the Marketplace. You can choose to negotiate with the buyer or ignore and archive the RFP. The "RFP" label persists until you send a proposal to the buyer for the first time, after which it is removed. Learn more about buyer-initiated proposals.


The proposal has been sent to delivery. 

The "Sold" label is attached proposals after a buyer accepts a proposal, along with a negotiation status of "Finalized". The "Sold" label remains with the proposal for its lifetime, even if the proposal is renegotiated. Learn more about making changes to a finalized proposal.

Unsold There is no "Unsold" label. However, when there is no "Sold" label next to a status, it indicates that the proposal has never been accepted and finalized.

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