Edit multiple proposal line items

En este artículo, se explica cómo editar más de una línea de pedido propuesta y se describen las prácticas recomendadas.

Se abarcarán los siguientes temas:

Cómo editar varias líneas de pedido propuestas

Puede editar de forma masiva la orientación o la configuración para líneas de pedido propuestas seleccionadas, pero no puede modificar ambas a la vez. Los campos, la configuración y las opciones de orientación disponibles en el editor de cambios masivos varían según el tipo de línea de pedido propuesta que haya seleccionado.

Para editar varias líneas de pedido propuestas, haga lo siguiente:

  1. Accede a Google Ad Manager.
  2. Haga clic en Ventas y luego Propuestas y luego Todas las propuestas o Mis propuestas.
  3. Haga clic en el nombre de la propuesta que contiene las líneas de pedido propuestas que desea editar.
  4. En la tabla, seleccione la casilla de verificación junto a las líneas de pedido propuestas que desea editar.
  5. En la parte superior de la tabla, haga clic en Editar.
  6. Realice las actualizaciones que desee y haga clic en Guardar.

Cuando edite la orientación, también tendrá la opción de agregar o sobrescribir otras antes de aplicar la orientación.

  • La opción "Agregar" anexa la orientación que seleccionó en el editor de cambios masivos a la orientación existente.
  • La opción "Sobrescribir" quita la orientación existente y la reemplaza con la que seleccionó en el editor de cambios masivos.

Cuando utiliza la opción "Agregar", Ad Manager revisa las líneas de pedido propuestas para garantizar que no haya conflicto entre la orientación que seleccionó en el editor de cambios masivos y la que ya existe. Si hay inconvenientes, Ad Manager muestra la línea de pedido propuesta y le notifica acerca del conflicto. Obtenga más información en Motivos comunes por los que Ad Manager no puede aplicar la orientación.

When you apply bulk edits, all changes are immediately saved. You can't "undo" changes—that is, go back to the last saved or previously saved values. To restore previous values after applying, you'll need to go back and edit each proposal line item manually.

Common reasons why Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply targeting

Ad Manager 360 may not always be able to apply targeting to a selected proposal line item. 

If Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply some of the targeting for a given proposal line item, Ad Manager 360 skips applying any of the targeting for that proposal line item.  

Foregoing the targeting in cases like this ensures that you don't apply some intended targeting from the bulk editor while forgetting to apply other intended targeting. When Ad Manager 360 skips targeting, it indicates which proposal line items were skipped and why. You can then go to those proposal line items and ensure that all intended targeting is applied.

As a general rule, select proposal line items that are of the same or similar line item types. 

Below are some common reasons Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply targeting. For each of these reasons, Ad Manager 360 provides an alert in the user interface along with the list of the affected proposal line items.

  • Video targeting is not supported in the following proposal line items

    Some proposal line items do not support video targeting. For instance, Ad Manager would not be able to apply video targeting to a "Standard" proposal line item if its inventory size was not set to "VAST Video". 

  • Bumper video positions can only be applied to bumper proposal line items

    There are two categories of "Video position" targeting. If you tried to apply "bumper" video positions to a non-bumper video proposal line item, Ad Manager would alert you and list the proposal line item. Learn more in Video targeting in the bulk editor.

  • The targeting added conflicts with existing targeting in the following proposal line item

    If you're appending targeting, Ad Manager checks proposal line items for conflicts between the existing targeting and the targeting you added to the bulk editor. If there are no conflicts, Ad Manager merges targeting. However, if there's a conflict, Ad Manager lists the proposal line item and the conflicting targeting.

    A "conflict" is a direct contradiction in targeting. For instance, if existing targeting was "United States" and you attempted to exclude "United States", Ad Manager would not apply targeting and list the proposal line item.

Video targeting in the bulk editor

There are two targeting types to consider when bulk editing video: "Video positions" and "Video content".

Video positions

There are two categories of "Video position" targeting:

Proposal line items whose inventory size is set to "Video VAST" can be targeted only to the "Mid-roll positions". If the proposal line item type is also set to "Bumper", it can be targeted only to "Bumper positions". These categories are mutually exclusive: proposal line items can't be targeted to both kinds of positions at once.

The bulk editor allows you to select a combination of proposal line items that use the two categories. However, if you do select said combination, Ad Manager only shows mid-roll positions in the targeting picker. This means if you try to apply mid-roll positions to proposal line items that use bumper positions, Ad Manager won't apply targeting to the bumper video proposal line item.

As a general rule, to bulk edit positions for bumper video proposal line items, do not also select mid-roll video proposal line items.

Video content

If you bulk edit "Video content" targeting, you can only overwrite existing targeting and not append. If you elected to append and have chosen to modify video content targeting, Ad Manager alerts you to select the "Overwrite" option instead in order to apply targeting or to remove video content targeting.

Targeting presets in the bulk editor

If you add targeting manually to bulk editor and then subsequently select a targeting preset in the bulk editor, when the preset loads, its targeting overrides the targeting you manually added.

For example, suppose that the existing targeting in your proposal line item targets two geographic locations:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom

You select the proposal line item and open the bulk targeting editor. You manually add the following in the bulk editor:

  • France

You then find a preset and select it in the bulk editor. This preset's only geographic targeting is "Spain". When the preset loads in the bulk editor, it'll overrides "France".

If you select "Append" from the bulk editor and apply this targeting, the resulting targeting in the proposal line item would be:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Spain

If you select "Overwrite" from the bulk editor, and geographic targeting is customizable, when you apply this targeting, the resulting targeting in the proposal line item would be:

  • Spain

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