We're enhancing our ads system to deliver better ad experiences for a world where people are using multiple devices. Since 2016, Google users have been able to choose to associate their cross-device web and app activity with their Google account to see more useful, personalized ads. We're now adding a new control for publishers in Ad Manager to help you earn more from these ads which are personalized based on users’ interests, demographics, and Google account information. The new control is “Use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features”.
About the control
If you enable "Use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features" in Admin, visitation information from Google Ad Manager and Ad Exchange will be associated with the Google accounts of signed-in users who have consented to this association. On their "My Activity” page, these Google users will be able to view their signed-in web, video, and mobile app activity across properties that use Ad Manager and Ad Exchange. Users control what's saved there and can delete past activity from their accounts.
In addition, when personalized ads are allowed, this control allows Google demand sources to use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features from your Ad Exchange-eligible inventory to show personalized ads to signed-in users based on their interests, demographics, and Google account information. These personalized ads will appear across devices on those portions of your sites and apps where Ad Exchange is eligible to compete, on Google owned and operated properties, and on participating publisher properties. Enhanced features of Google demand sources will give advertisers the ability to reach the same user across devices, apps, and sites, thereby making the inventory more valuable.
Signed-in, cross-device ads are enabled for Ad Manager publishers by default, but your participation is optional. You can turn off the feature at any time. Only Administrator users have permission to change this control. Turning off “Use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features” may decrease the number of ads competing to appear on your website, which may decrease your earnings.
Set "Use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features"
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Admin, then Global settings.
Scroll down to “Ad preference settings”. - Next to “Use Google’s signed-in ID for cross-device features”, enable
or disable
the switch.
The switch is enabled by default.
Informing users
You may also want to review how you inform your users about the way companies like Google collect a user’s activity data from your site or app, and how this data may be associated with their account information (such as a user’s Google account). For example, your privacy policy may describe how your company collects and shares data, or you may present a consent message to your users in the European Union.