Deactivate or archive an Ad Manager ad unit

Stop line item delivery to an ad unit by marking the ad unit as Archived or Inactive. This also removes the ad unit from the targeting picker for future line items.

This setting affects ad serving

When you deactivate or archive an ad unit, line items specifically targeted to the ad unit stop delivering to the ad unit. Line items targeted to a deactivated or archived ad unit's child ad units continue to deliver, although the child ad units are not available in targeting menus.

If the ad unit is still included in your Google Publisher Tags (GPT), run-of-network and house line items still deliver, even if the deactivated ad unit was a special ad unit. If a Partner Assignment only targets archived ad units, it will not be considered eligible for serving.

Deactivate or archive an ad unit

Don't see the Deactivate and Archive options?

The "Edit ad units, placements, and key-values" user role permission is required to use these settings. Please contact your Ad Manager administrator if you don't see them.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory and then Ad units.
  3. Click Add new filter and set up the needed filters to find the ad unit.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the ad unit and click one of the following:
    • Activate: Allows line item delivery to the ad unit and displays it in targeting menus.
    • Deactivate: Makes the ad unit ineligible for delivery or for use in rules or other features. Removes it from the targeting picker in line items, rules, and other features. Inactive ad units appear by default on the table of ad units.
    • Archive: Makes the ad unit ineligible for delivery or for use in rules or other features. Removes it from the targeting picker in line items, rules, and other features. Archived ad units do not appear by default on the table of ad units and must be found by filtering.

Your changes are saved and applied immediately, though it can take up to 180 minutes before the change affects ad serving. Learn more about update periods

Can I delete an ad unit?

No. To prevent reporting information from being discarded, ad units can't be permanently deleted.

Can I move an ad unit?

No, but you can deactivate or archive the existing ad unit and create a new ad unit with the same code name in the new location. Code names only need to be unique at the same level of hierarchy.

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