Let Ad Manager update your ad network CPMs
See the developers sites for Android and iOS for a full list of all supported Mediation ad networks.
Automatic data collection enhances competition in mediation for mobile apps by using an automatically updated CPM from each ad network instead of a manually entered "Default CPM" during competition.
Set up automatic data collection for an ad network
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Admin
- Click New company
Ad network, or select an existing "Ad network" company to edit.
- From the Ad network drop-down menu, choose one of the ad networks listed below that supports automatic data collection.
- Mark the Enable for mediation checkbox.
- In the "Automatic data collection" section that appears, click Grant access. This opens a new window where you can sign in to your third-party ad network and copy an "Access code" to paste into the Ad Manager company profile.
- Click Save.
Ad networks that support Ad Manager automatic data collection
The ad networks listed below host an integration with Ad Manager to support the automatic collection of CPM data to help you optimize competition in mediation for mobile apps.
Optimization credentials:
- API key: The unique API key, which you can find in your AdColony account under Account Settings > Read-Only API Key.
Ad unit mapping details:
- App ID
- Client Options (optional)
- Zone ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- API Client ID: The unique API Client ID, which you can find in your AdFalcon account under Account > API Access.
- API Key: The unique API key, which you can find in your AdFalcon account under Account > API Access.
Ad unit mapping details:
- App/Site ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Report Key: The unique Report Key, which you can find in your AppLovin account under Accounts > Basic Info > Keys.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Application ID (Android)
- Bundle ID (iOS)
- SDK Key
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- User ID: The user ID found at the top of your Chartboost API Explorer page.
- User signature: The user signature found at the top of your Chartboost API Explorer page.
Ad unit mapping details:
- App ID
- App signature
- Ad location (optional)
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Account token
- DU Ad Platform username
- DU Ad Platform password
Ad unit mapping details:
- Account token
- DU Ad Platform username
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Programmatic Access Token: The token Flurry uses to authorize retrieval of reporting data. Learn more about acquiring a Programmatic Access Token (Flurry documentation)
Ad unit mapping details:
- Ad Space Name
- Project API Key
- Ad location (optional)
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Login name: The email address you use to sign in to your i-mobile account.
- Password: The password you use to sign in to your i-mobile account.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Media ID
- Publisher ID
- Spot ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Login name: The email address you use to sign in to your InMobi account.
- Password: The password you use to sign in to your InMobi account.
- Secret key: The 32-character string API key generated by InMobi that's required for all inbound requests. Learn more
Ad unit mapping details:
- Account ID [InMobi SDK >= 5.0] (optional)
- App ID [InMobi SDK < 5.0] (optional)
- Placement ID [InMobi SDK >= 5.0] (optional)
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Native
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- User Name: The email address you use to sign in to your ironSource Ads account.
- Secret Key: The unique key generated by ironSource Ads that's located in the Reporting API section of your account page.
Ad unit mapping details:
- App Key
- Instance ID (optional)
Supported ad formats:
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Rewarded Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Publisher ID: Your unique ID, which you can find in your Leadbolt Account Settings page.
- Secret Key: The API key generated by Leadbolt that's required for all inbound requests. You can find the Secret Key on your Leadbolt Account Settings page.
Ad unit mapping details:
- API Key
- Location Code
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Login name: The Email/Login you use to sign in to your LifeStreet account.
- Password: The password you use to sign in to your LifeStreet account.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Slot tag
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Reporting API ID: The unique API key, which you can find by signing into your Liftoff Monetize account, clicking the Details button for the app, and looking in the Reporting API key field.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Application ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Contact your Liftoff Monetize account manager for Rewarded Interstitial and Native formats.
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- API ID: The unique API ID generated by maio.
- API KEY: The unique API key generated by maio.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Media ID (メディアID)
- Zone ID (ジーンID)
Supported ad formats:
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Api Key: The unique API key, which you can find in your MobFox account under My Account > Account Information.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Publisher Site ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Native
Other information:
- Supports optimization? No
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
MoPub is no longer a supported ad source.
Optimization credentials:
- Permanent Access Token: The token used when sending requests to the myTarget API. Learn more about generating the access token for myTarget
Ad unit mapping details:
- Slot ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Native
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Reporting API key: Refer to the nend FAQ page, and contact your nend account manager for your reporting API key.
Ad unit mapping details:
- API Key
- Spot ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Native
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- Publisher OAuth Key: This can be found in your Tapjoy account at Tapjoy > Settings > App Settings > API Keys.
- Mediation Reporting API Key for AdMob: This can be found in your Tapjoy account at Tapjoy > Settings > App Settings > Mediation Keys.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Placement Name
- SDK Key
Supported ad formats:
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- API Key: The unique API key, which you can find by navigating to the Ads Data Export > API Access tab of the Unity Ads Dashboard.
- Organization core ID: The unique organization core ID, which you can find in Settings tab of the Unity Ads Dashboard.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Game ID
- Placement ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group
Optimization credentials:
- API Key: The API key that you can find by signing into your Zucks account and navigating to the AdMob Mediation API key (AdMobメディエーション用 APIキー) page.
Ad unit mapping details:
- Frame ID
Supported ad formats:
- Banner
- Interstitial
Other information:
- Supports optimization? Yes
- Where should I add this network? As an ad source in a mediation group