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Automatic data collection

Let Ad Manager update your ad network CPMs
See the developers sites for Android and iOS for a full list of all supported Mediation ad networks.

Automatic data collection enhances competition in mediation for mobile apps by using an automatically updated CPM from each ad network instead of a manually entered "Default CPM" during competition.

Set up automatic data collection for an ad network

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Companies.
  3. Click New company and then Ad network, or select an existing "Ad network" company to edit.
  4. From the Ad network drop-down menu, choose one of the ad networks listed below that supports automatic data collection.
  5. Mark the Enable for mediation checkbox.
  6. In the "Automatic data collection" section that appears, click Grant access. This opens a new window where you can sign in to your third-party ad network and copy an "Access code" to paste into the Ad Manager company profile.
  7. Click Save.

Ad networks that support Ad Manager automatic data collection

The ad networks listed below host an integration with Ad Manager to support the automatic collection of CPM data to help you optimize competition in mediation for mobile apps.

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