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Report on performance

Filter Ad Manager report results

Narrow the results that appear in your report

When you create a report, you can narrow down your report results by advertiser, order, key-value, and more with filters. Some dimension filters are only available after you add the same dimension to the report, such as "Key-values" and "Targeting."

Add a filter to a report

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting and then Reports and then New report.
  3. Set up the report and select any dimensions or metrics you want to use.
    For detailed instructions, go to Create a new report.
  4. Next to , click Add filter and enter or select filter options.
  5. To run your report, click Run.

Filter by a list of items

Use "is any of" or "is none of" to filter by a list of items. Only report data associated with one of the listed items will be displayed in your report.  To filter by a set of items, enter a comma-separated list of IDs.

Filter by creatives

Filter by “Creative Set ID”. Note that you can filter either by using “Creative ID” or “Creative Set ID”, but the exported report actually captures “Creative Set ID” data in the "Creative ID" column.

Filter by substring with boolean operators 

Use "contains" or "does not contain" to only display report data associated with items that match a substring connected by boolean operators AND, ORNOT, and the negative symbol (-).  The operators must be in all capital letters.​ For exact phrases, use double-quotes ("). Use spaces with care. If there is not a proper operator after the space, then it is interpreted as an AND operation.

Filter field text Search performed
NOT "a" NOT LIKE '%a%'
"a" AND "b" LIKE '%a%' AND LIKE '%b%'
"a" OR "b" LIKE '%a%' OR LIKE '%b%'
"a" AND "b" AND "c" LIKE '%a%' AND LIKE '%b%' AND LIKE '%c%'
"a" "b" "c" LIKE '%a%' AND LIKE '%b%' AND LIKE '%c%'
When you use "does not contain" to exclude a list of values, don't add "OR" between the values. The system adds "AND" by default, and interprets "NOT" on a per value basis. For example, to exclude the values a, b, and c, select does not contain and then enter "a" "b" "c" and then click Apply.

Put another way, if you select does not contain for values "a" "b" "c", it is interpreted as NOT_LIKE("a") AND NOT_LIKE("b") AND NOT_LIKE("c"), rather than NOT_LIKE("a" AND "b" AND "c").

Special considerations

Ad units

You can filter on the "Ad unit" dimension without adding the Ad unit dimension, but you can only use the "contains" filter for top-level ad units. To use the OR operator in the "Ad unit" filter, add "Ad unit" as a dimension with "Top level" selected.

When you filter on the "Ad unit" dimension, you can choose to show child ad units in the totals.​

  • If you select Ad unit (show child ad units), they show as separate values for the Ad unit (all levels) dimension.
  • If you select Ad unit (hide child ad units), they're still counted when the Ad Unit (top level) dimension is selected, but they don't show.

    Why do impressions appear to be missing when applying the Ad Unit (hide child ad unit) filter?

    • A row for Ad Unit (Top Level) always includes impressions for any child ad units, along with any direct impressions, regardless of filter type.
    • A row for Ad Unit (All Levels) never includes impressions for any child ad units. It only shows direct impressions to that particular ad unit, regardless of filter type.
    • Filters only affect rows that are displayed, and affects each ad unit type (above) differently. This is consistent behavior for the filter.

    In all cases, the Totals row displays the sum of impressions for all (and only) the rows shown in the report. None of the situations above should result in the sum of the impressions shown in each row differing from the total shown at the end of the report.

    In "Hierarchical report" mode (with All Levels), parent ad unit rows are split into "(Total)" and "(Only)" to indicate subtotals. The leaf rows for each ad unit and the "(Only)" rows never contain impressions for any child ad units.


Include the Key-values dimension to filter by key-values. Key-values reports can be very large, so we recommend you run them for only a single day or a full month. Try using total targeted Impressions rather than total impressions, as this pulls far fewer rows of data.


Filter by targeting only works if you have included the Targeting dimension. If you add the Targeting filter without the Targeting dimension, you might get overlapping results.


When filtering by "Deal ID" or "Deal name," only deals with registered matched requests in the past six months will appear in the filter selection list. You can also use _contains_ or _does not contain_ to narrow down the results.

Custom fields

For Custom field filtering, the filter types vary based on field type.

  • Text-based fields default to the "contains" type
  • Drop-down or toggle-based fields default to the "is any of" type
  • Number-based fields default to the "between" type

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