This feature is in Beta
Features in Beta phase might not be available in your network. Watch the release notes for when this feature becomes generally available.
Features in Beta phase might not be available in your network. Watch the release notes for when this feature becomes generally available.
Note: For publishers sharing full IP addresses to Google demand, this functionality will take effect on April 22th, 2025.
Full IP is indicated by many bidders to be an important signal on CTV, used for many use cases like invalid request detection and supporting frequency caps.
With this feature, you can choose to share the full IP address from CTV devices on bid requests to Authorized Buyers, Open Bidding, and/or Google demand.
Note: Full IP sharing is available when users have enabled Limit ad tracking (LAT). In the EEA, full IP sharing is available if users have given consent. For non-personalized ads (NPA) requests, the IP address is always redacted.
Set CTV data sharing
To send the full IP address from CTV devices:
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Delivery, then Demand channel settings. You can optionally click to filter by either "Authorized Buyers," "Open Bidding," or "Google demand."
In the "Device and browser data sharing" section, click Full IP address on CTV inventory and choose an option:
To allow CTV data sharing, enable the switch
To not allow CTV data sharing, disable the switch
- Click Save.
Check a bidder's status for CTV data sharing
To check if you allow CTV data sharing with a bidder:
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Delivery, then Bidders.
- Choose a demand type, then click the name of the bidder.
- Click Demand channel settings.
- In the "Device and browser data sharing" section, click Full IP address on CTV inventory and check if the bidder's status is "Allowed" or "Not allowed."
- (Optional) To change the status, review Set CTV data sharing, above.
Frequently asked questions
What if I don't allow CTV sharing?
CTV data sharing is off ("not allowed") by default. This feature won't affect your current serving logic unless you change the setting.
What happens on bid requests for non-CTV inventory?
If you enable this control for a bidder, the full IP address won't be sent on bid requests for non-CTV inventory. For non-CTV requests, the IP address will be truncated or redacted. This control can only send the full IP address on CTV inventory.