Invite buyers to a Private Auction

 Every invite you send becomes a Private Auction deal with a single buyer in that Private Auction.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Private Auctions.
  3. Click the name of the Private Auction to which you want to invite buyers.
  4. Click Invite buyers.
  5. Set up the invite according to buyer invite options.
  6. Click Save.

You can invite the same buyer multiple times to a Private Auction, but each invite to the same buyer must include unique verified advertisers listed under "Creative restrictions". Separate invites with unique verified advertisers are sent out to each buyer.

Buyer invite options


Select the buyers you want to invite to bid on your inventory through Private Auctions.

Floor price

Minimum CPM buyers must bid in order to be eligible for the auction. The floor price reflects the minimum earnings potential before revenue share. Revenue share for Private Auction transactions is taken from the floor price or the winning bid.

For example, suppose you set a floor price of $3.00 and a single buyer bid for $3.00 and won that impression. Revenue share would be taken from the $3.00 floor price and your realized revenue would be below this floor.

Net and gross are applied differently for different kinds of transactions. Learn more

Override blocks 

Blocks settings that restrict the types of ads that can serve on your websites or apps. They're set under "Ad content" rules via Protections and apply only to Private Auctions, except for "Advertisers/Brand," "Buyer," "Inventory Exclusions," and "Custom labels." All blocks apply to Open Auction except "Custom labels." Learn more about protections eligibility.

Setting up "Ad content" rules can offers some protection to your brand by restricting how, where, or which ads can serve on your websites or apps. By default, these rules apply to each bid response. Bid responses that don't fall within the parameters of the "Ad content" rules set up in your network are automatically filtered.

You can opt to override these blocks. Overriding blocks means that "Ad content" rules won't apply to bid responses from the buyer.

Creative restrictions

You can optionally declare verified advertisers that restrict the creatives that can serve. Recommended practice is to omit any advertiser (leave this field empty) to ensure the winning bid response serves a creative. Declaring an advertiser that is incorrect means that ads from the correct advertiser would fail to serve.

You can invite the same buyer multiple times to a Private Auction, but each invite to the same buyer must include unique verified advertisers listed under "Creative restrictions".

When buyers submit a bid response, a creative is attached to the response. Google classifies these creatives under a verified advertiser based on the landing URL associated with the creative. 

Add a verified advertiser only if you're dealing with unknown buyers and need to ensure that creatives belong to the advertiser with whom you've negotiated the deal. If you opt to add a verified advertiser:

  • Indicating the incorrect verified advertiser means creatives from the desired advertiser fail to serve. Ensure that you've selected the correct one.
  • There may be times when Google is unable to classify or misclassifies a creative. Creatives from desired advertisers, in cases like these, also fail to serve even if you've indicated the correct advertiser. Use the "Advertiser override" option to classify or reclassify creatives. This override option is available only for deals that involve a single advertiser.

Buyers can also declare a verified advertiser in their bid response (via the BidResponse protocol using the advertiser_name attribute). Buyers may want to declare an advertiser if they have a new creative that has yet to be classified by Google. When buyers do so, Ad Exchanges deems the creative from the declared advertiser as a verified advertiser. However, if conflicts arise between the declared advertiser and Google's classification, Google's classification takes precedence.

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