
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Explore audience segments

View top insights with audience explorer

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Jump to: Traffic forecast | Top geography | Top devices | Top browsers | Top platforms | Top key valuesTop ad units | Top line items | Time of day | Top video content | Top content bundles

With the new audience explorer, you can: 

  • Better understand and leverage your first-party audience data. 
  • Compare the composition of different audience segments.
  • Create enhanced data narratives about your audiences that can be used in RFP responses.  
  • Choose a custom range within the last 30 days.
  • Enable larger visualizations with side-by-side data on unique identifier and ad opportunity counts.

Access audience explorer

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory and then Audience  and then First party.
  3. Click on the audience segment you’d like to explore, and then click the Audience explorer tab. 

  4. (Optional) To compare the currently selected segment with another one, click "COMPARE SEGMENT" and type the name of the segment you'd like to compare. 

To see audience segment overlap, click the Segment overlaps tab. The percentages in the "unique identifiers" and "ad opportunities" columns help you understand overlap between the chosen audience segment and other available segments in the table. For example, if you’ve chosen a segment of Pixel users, you can see what fraction of ad opportunities or unique identifiers for your sports enthusiasts are also Pixel users. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of ad opportunities or unique identifiers from identifiers present in both lists by the number of ad opportunities or unique identifiers in a segment row.

With audience explorer, you can see unique identifiers active in the last 30 days and ad opportunities from that period. You can also view the total identifiers in the selected segment broken down by ID type, including mobile web, AdID, IDFA, and PPID.

From the Audience explorer tab, you can select between Unique identifiers and Ad opportunities metrics by clicking .

View scorecards

View additional details about unique identifiers and where the most ad opportunities are being served:

The Ad Manager interface showing the traffic forecast scorecard.

Traffic forecast 

The previous 14 days' traffic compared to a 4-week traffic forecast.

Click View in traffic forecast for more tools to analyze past and future impressions.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top geography scorecard.

Top geography

The top regions where users in this audience segment are located when visiting your site. Click into a country's bar to see more granular data at the state or region level. 

The Ad Manager interface showing the top devices scorecard.

Top devices

Devices where the most ad opportunities or unique identifiers were served.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top browsers scorecard.

Top browsers

The top browsers that users in this audience segment are visiting your site from.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top platforms scorecard.

Top platforms

The top platforms (or operating systems) that users in this audience segment are on when visiting your site.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top key values scorecard.

Top key values

Select a key to see the top targeted values.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top ad units scorecard.

Top ad units

The ad units with the most ad opportunities or unique identifiers served.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top line items scorecard.

Top line items

Your line items with the most ad opportunities or unique identifiers served.

The Ad Manager interface showing the time of day scorecard

Time of day

For ad opportunities only

The time of day when users visited your site. Individual blocks equal one hour. Darker blocks mean more ad opportunities.

Note that the data shown here represents an estimate based on traffic sampled over the last 30 days, so the figures might not be exact.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top video content scorecard.

Top video content

Your video content with the most ad opportunities or unique identifiers served.

The Ad Manager interface showing the top content bundles scorecard.

Top content bundles

Your video content bundles with the most ad opportunities or unique identifiers served.

Learn more about using content bundles for targeting.



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