Delete your Google Account information from a device

To protect your Google Account information, we recommend you take the following precautions when using someone else’s device, or when you plan to give away or throw away a device.

Delete your account information from someone else’s device

If you plan to use someone else’s computer, tablet, or smartphone and don’t want your personal information saved to that device, browse in private. When you’re done, close all browser windows. You’ll no longer be signed in to any accounts you accessed with that device. Your browsing history won’t be saved on the device.

If you didn’t browse in private and still have the device with you, you can clear the browser’s cache and cookies. This will clear your browsing history on that device and will make sure you’re completely signed out from the accounts you accessed.

If you believe you left your account signed in on a device you no longer have, you can sign out remotely.

Delete your account information from your device

If you’re planning to give away or throw away a device, we recommend you clear all data and applications from the device. Clearing data varies by device:

If you’re planning to throw away a device, you can also consider a hard drive destruction service.

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