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Use generative AI at work

Tutorial voor Google Workspace voor bedrijven

Als u Gemini voor Google Workspace wilt gebruiken, moet de taal van uw Google-account zijn ingesteld op een Engels dialect. Meer informatie

Wat u leert

How to use Google's generative AI offering, Gemini voor Google Workspace. 

Note: The instructions in this guide are for computer only.

Wat u nodig heeft

Account Google Workspace account with the Gemini voor Google Workspace add on. Need an account? Start your 14-day trial today. Gemini voor Google Workspace is beschikbaar als de taal van uw Google-account is ingesteld op een Engels dialect. Daarnaast zijn sommige functies beschikbaar in het Spaans en Portugees. Meer informatie over de beschikbaarheid per taal.
Account A Gemini voor Google Workspace license assigned by an administrator

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In deze tutorial

Write & respond
to email
Speed up & polish your writing Brainstorm
for new ideas
Organize data
in spreadsheets

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Alles uitvouwen  |  Alles samenvouwen

1  Write & respond to email

Ask Gemini voor Google Workspace to write an email, such as a request for a meeting. Gemini can draft the email in seconds. Then you can quickly refine and send it. 

Step 1. Open Help me write in Gmail

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top left, click Compose.
  3. In the bottom left of the window, click Help me write (Labs)  en dan Help me write

Step 2. Enter a prompt

  1. In the Help me write box, enter a prompt. For example:

    Write an email asking for a meeting about [project name]. Include a bulleted list of discussion points including milestones, task status, and next steps.
  2. Click Create.

Step 3. Review, refine & insert the response

  1. Click Refine then choose how you want Gemini to change the content.
  2. When you’re finished, click Insert.

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2  Speed up & polish your writing

Use Gemini voor Google Workspace to get past the blank page and create a first draft quickly. Or, polish something that's already written. Shorten, elaborate, summarize, or adjust the tone using Gemini. You can also use Gemini to turn existing text into a new form, such as a poem or a script.

Create a first draft

Step 1. Open Help me write in Docs 

  1. On your computer, open a Google Docs file.
  2. In the document, click where you want to write.
  3. On the left, click Help me write .


Step 2. Tell Gemini what you want to write

  1. Enter a prompt that contains your instructions. For example:

    Write an outline of [project x]. Specify 4 phases: Research, Design, Testing, and Production. The project will kick off Q2 this year and wrap up in Q2 next year.
  2. Click Create

Step 3. Review, refine & insert the response

  1. Review the response.
  2. Click Refine then choose how you want Gemini to change the content.
  3. When you're finished, click Insert.

Polish your writing

  1. On your computer, open a Google Docs file.
  2. In the document, select the text you want to polish.
  3. On the left, click Help me write .
  4. Choose how you want Gemini to change the content. 
  5. When you’re finished, click Insert.

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3  Brainstorm for new ideas

Use Gemini to generate ideas for events, project names, market opportunities, and more. 

Step 1. Start a conversation at 

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. If you’re not already signed in, sign in to your Google Account. Learn how to sign in.
  3. In the text box at the bottom, enter your question or prompt. For example:

    [Product name] is a product that will [describe what product will do]. Give me 10 things I can do to get customers excited about the launch of [product name]. 
  4. Click Submit.

Step 2. Review the response & continue the conversation

  1. Check the response. For some prompts, you can also view other drafts:
    1. Above the response, click View other drafts or Show drafts.
    2. Click that draft you want to review.
  2. To revise your prompt:
    1. To the right of your prompt, click Edit text .
    2. Edit your prompt.
    3. Click Update.
  3. To modify the response, click Modify response .
    • To adjust the length: Click Shorter or Longer.
    • To simplify the language: Click Simpler.
    • To change the tone: Click More casual or More professional.
    • To see a chart or table based on data in the response: In a follow-up question, ask Gemini to create a chart or table using the information.

Step 3. Copy or export the response

  • Below the response, click Share & export en dan then choose where you want to export:
    • Export to Docs. This saves a new doc in Google Drive.
    • Draft in Gmail. This creates a new draft email in Gmail.
    • Export to Sheets. This saves the table in a new spreadsheet in Google Drive.

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4  Organize data in spreadsheets

Use Gemini voor Google Workspace to set up project plans, tracking sheets, and more.

Step 1. Open Help me organize in Sheets

  1. On your computer, open a new spreadsheet or tab in Google Sheets. The Help me organize sidebar opens automatically.


Step 2. Tell Gemini what you want to organize

  1. Enter a prompt. For example:

    I'm getting ready for a meeting with [customer name] who is a sales prospect. Create a framework for researching [customer name] to help me prepare.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Click Refine then choose how you want Gemini to change the content.
  4. When you’re finished, in the preview, click Insert.

" "5  Illustrate presentations

Use Gemini voor Google Workspace to generate custom images or graphics to illustrate your presentations.

Step 1. Open the Gemini sidebar in Slides

  1. On your computer, open a presentation in Google Slides.
  2. Click the slide where you want to add the image.
  3. At the top, click Insert en danImage en dan Create image with Gemini  .

Step 2. Tell Gemini what you want to illustrate

  1. In the panel on the right, enter a prompt. 

    Tip: For better results, include the subject, setting, distance to subject, materials, or background. For example:

    Create a close up of a boat made out of wood on a lake surrounded by trees at sunrise.
  1. To customize the image, click Add a style.
  2. Click Create to see several suggested images.

Step 3. Review, refine & insert the image

  1. To get additional images, click View more.
  2. When you’re finished, click Insert.
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Google, Google Workspace en de gerelateerde merken en logo's zijn handelsmerken van Google LLC. Alle andere bedrijfs- en productnamen zijn handelsmerken van de bedrijven waarmee ze in verband worden gebracht.

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