
Você interage com colegas que estão trabalhando de casa e pessoas que estão no escritório? Veja como se destacar em ambientes de trabalho híbridos.

A página solicitada ainda não está disponível no seu idioma. Você pode escolher outra língua no final da página ou usar o recurso de tradução incorporado do Google Chrome para ver qualquer página da Web no idioma que preferir.

Get started with Gemini for Google Workspace

Summarize content & organize data

To use Gemini for Google Workspace, your Google account language must be set to an English dialect. Learn how

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.

This guide explains how to summarize and organize existing content using Gemini for Google Workspace on your computer. 

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Summarize content in Google Docs

  1. On your computer, open a Google Docs file.
  2. Select the text you want to rewrite.
  3. On the left, click Help me write .
  4. Choose the Summarize option from the menu.
  5. Choose an option:
    • Click Replace to accept the new text.
    • Click Insert to add the new text under the existing text.
    • Click Close Close to keep your existing text.

Learn more at the Docs Editors Help Center

Summarize an email or an email thread

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. Open the email you want to summarize.
  3. At the top right, click Ask Gemini .  
  4. In the sidebar, click What’s this email about? 

  5. (Optional) You can also prompt to ask for a summary. Examples:

    “Summarize this email.”
    “Create a list of action items for me based on this email.”
    “Explain this email to me like I’m 5 years old.”

  6. The summary appears in the side panel.

Learn more at the Gmail Help Center

Organize data in a sheet

  1. On your computer, open a new spreadsheet or tab in Google Sheets. The Help me organize sidebar opens.

  2. In the sidebar, enter a prompt. For example:
    • "Create a framework for researching a sales prospect, or their company, to prepare for a customer meeting."
    • “Set up a task tracker for a project to build a new website.”
    • “Plan a kick off event for the sales team.”
  3. Click Create.
  4. (Optional) After generating a table, you can:
    • Send feedback about the suggested table: Click Good suggestion for a table that fulfills your request or Bad suggestion for a table that does not meet your needs. 
    • Edit your prompt: At the top of the sidebar, click the prompt. Edit your prompt and click Create.
    • Create a new version of the table: Click Create.
      • Important: After creating a new version, you can’t go back to the previous version.
  5. When you’re finished, in the preview, click Insert.

Note: For best results, use Help me organize in a new tab. If you use the Help me organize in a tab that already has data and insert the generated result, it will overwrite any existing data it replaces.

Learn more at the Docs Editors Help Center

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