View a group's members

This page is for administrators who manage groups for an organization. To manage groups for an account that ends in, go to Google Groups help.

As a Groups administrator, you can always view the members of all of your organization’s groups. The access and visibility settings you choose for your organization’s groups, combined with an individual group’s settings, determine who else can view the group's members.   

Where can I do this? You can view group members either in your Admin console or Google Groups. You can view users who have been banned from a group in Google Groups.

View a group’s direct members

As an administrator, you can easily identify which members of a group are direct members.

Using the Admin console

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Directory > Groups.

    Requires having the Groups administrator privilege.

  3. Click the name of a groupand thenMembers.

Using Google Groups

Requires turning on Groups for Business

  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click the name of a group.
  3. On the left, click Members.
  4. To view people who have been banned from the group, on the left, click Banned users.

View all group members

Supported editions for this feature: Frontline Standard; Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus; Enterprise Essentials Plus. If you have Cloud Identity Premium, Frontline Starter; Business Starter, Business Standard, and Business Plus are also supported. Compare your edition

In the Google Admin console, you can view all members of a group (direct and indirect) in a single list. If groups are members of the parent group, they appear in the list as members. Members of groups nested in other groups appear as indirect members of the parent group. If a member belongs to the parent group and another group nested inside the group, they are direct and indirect members.

Use the members list to review all members of a group, including banned members. However, to find out whether a member is banned or identify a member's role (owner, manager, or member), go to the group in Google Groups.

To review all members of a group:

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Directory > Groups.

    Requires having the Groups administrator privilege.

  3. Click the name of a group.
  4. Click Members.
  5. Click Direct and indirect members

Other ways to view group members

You can also view group members in Gmail and calendar invitations.

Get details at the Learning Center: View or export a group's members

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