Manage access to additional services for users designated as under 18

This feature is available only with Google Workspace for Education editions.


Our Google Workspace for Education Terms of Service require your organization to obtain parental consent before turning on additional Google services for users under 18 years of age.

Starting September 2024, educational institutions must annually review and reconfirm access to additional Google services, including reconfirmation that your organization has obtained the required parental consent.

Check consent status for additional Google services

On your Google Admin console Additional Google services page, Consent status shows whether the service has consent confirmed for users designated as under 18. Apps are marked as:

  • Needs confirmation—You need to confirm you understand and agree to the obligation to gather parental consent by the date shown on the banner for the user to access the app.
  • Confirmed—Admin has reviewed service access and reconfirmed that the educational institution agrees to the obligation to get the required parental consent.
  • Blocked for users under 18—After the deadline for reconfirmation, if you have not confirmed access, this will be the status shown.

    Note: The Service status column might show the service as being turned on, but if consent isn't confirmed by the deadline, the service is blocked for users designated as under 18.

Reconfirm access to additional Google services

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Note: This is the All users view. If you manage access at the organizational unit or group level, see below for how to reconfirm access.

  3. Review the additional services that require confirmation. At the top, there is a notification of how many services you are required to reconfirm access for.
    • To confirm consent for several apps, check the box at each app.
  4. To confirm consent for an additional service, click under Actions and select Confirm consent.
    • To confirm consent for all apps on the page, at the top, click Select all services.
    • Admins should ensure they review apps on all pages.
  5. Click Confirm.

The Consent status will now show as Confirmed.

Reconfirm access at organizational unit or group level

Some apps might be enabled only for users in specific organizational units.

Note: If the Service status shows Inherited, this means that the service was not turned ON for that organizational unit level. You will be required to reconfirm access at the level you set the service status ON.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. To view which groups or organizational units have access to an app, hover under Service Status On for someand thenView details.

    Note: This is only available on the All users in this account view.

  3. On the left, select an organizational unit or group.
  4. To confirm consent, select the app or several apps.
    • You can only confirm consent if the service was turned on at that organizational unit. You cannot confirm consent for organizational units that have an inherited status.
  5. Click Confirm consent.

Manage access to Additional Google Services for users designated as under 18


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How do admins manage access to additional Google services?

Admins can find details on how to turn a service on or off for Google Workspace users in the Admin console. There are some additional services that are restricted for users under 18 regardless of the on/off control status.

Note: Additional services are off by default for primary and secondary educational institutions.

How often are admins required to review and reconfirm access to additional services ?

Admins are required to complete this review and reconfirmation annually.

Why are some services consent status blank but the service status says it's turned on?

If no consent status shows for an app, it means the app is not available for users designated as under 18 years. Learn more about which services are restricted for users designated as under 18.

Will admins be reminded annually when they are required to review and reconfirm access to additional services?

Yes, admins will see the review notice and deadline for this annual requirement.

How do I get audit logs for parental consent?

Admins can search for audit logs for additional services consent events in the Audit and investigation part of the Admin console. Use the Filter or Condition builder tabs and enter the event name Create application setting. For more information go to Admin log events.

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