Retrieve leads using Google Ads API

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You can set up the Google Ads API to automatically send lead data from Google Ads into your customer relationship management (CRM) system or data management platform (DMP).

In this article, you’ll learn about retrieving leads through the Google Ads API.


  • Retrieve up to 60 days’ worth of leads
  • Newly submitted leads are available to be retrieved in near real time
  • Integrate your Google Ads account with a supported CRM or DMP so you can manage your leads in the platform of your choice

Access the Google Ads API to export leads

The Google Ads API allows you to receive lead form data, including leads from accounts you manage and have ownership access to, in your CRM without having to download a CSV or set up a webhook integration. Make sure you have at least one lead form asset active to start receiving leads. Learn more about LeadFormAsset.

You’ll need a developer token to access the API for exporting lead form data. If you already use the Google Ads API (previously known as the AdWords API), use your current developer token to set up the API to export your leads. If you don’t already use the Google Ads API, you need to create your Google Ads account structure, including a manager account and managed accounts, before you can use the API. Learn how to Obtain a developer token.

Use the Google Ads API for exporting lead form data

Review the developers guide to learn how to perform lead export tasks with the Google Ads API, like authorizing the CRM of your choice.

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