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28 de jan. de 2021

Testing Clips on YouTube

Hi everyone,

We’ve heard a lot of feedback from creators and viewers who have wanted an easy way to capture short segments of content and share moments from videos or streams. We’re excited to begin our testing of a clipping feature on YouTube starting today with a small group of creators while we start gathering feedback. Creation of clips is currently available on desktop and Android devices to start, with iOS devices coming soon.

Clips on YouTube allows you to select a 5-60 second segment of a creator's content (video uploads and streams) that can be shared with others across platforms. If you’re viewing content from one of the channels in this experiment, you’ll see a clip icon under the video that will allow you to select a portion of the video that you want to clip. The clip will be played on the original video and loop repeatedly.

You can learn more here and try out Clips for yourself on this video!

We’re continuing to test this feature and will be making updates based on your feedback, so please share your thoughts with us in the replies below or by using the link here. We’ll update this post when we have new information to share on the availability of clips as we know its a highly requested feature you’re all eager to test out. 

Jensen (TeamYouTube)

1 vídeo
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Última edição: 28 de jan. de 2021
Todas as respostas (139)
28 de jan. de 2021
Would love to be included in the testing, but I understand channel size may not be optimal for your purposes. Great addition
9 de mai. de 2021
This really helps thank you!!
20 de mai. de 2021
Hello everyone🤩How are you.I hope u all are fine😇Guys support me & my tiktok account 🥰
25 de mai. de 2021
I always wanted to try all the new features and tools in youtube but I guess only those creators with high sub numbers have that opportunity.
Última edição: 25 de mai. de 2021
26 de mai. de 2021
When is this being rolled out on a wider basis? Even some of the most popular YouTube channels I watch do not have clips enabled on them.
28 de mai. de 2021
Is there going to be an option to opt out as a creator? or to opt out as a viewer as well? I don't want this button under videos I watch and I don't want clips made of content I make.
28 de mai. de 2021
her videoda bu özellik olmalı
29 de mai. de 2021
It's easy from viewers any specific videos and don't pass a big time
5 de jun. de 2021
Few suggestions:
1. Let creators download clips they've made for their own video. That will make highlight videos 100 times easier to make.
2. Let people upload their clips and they will show up in a tab next to the video they have clipped. (Kinda like how video responses worked previously)
3. Make it so clips can be embedded on other sites, just like a normal video.
I've been using and enjoying clips a lot. And if any of these are already implemented, let me know.
Última edição: 5 de jun. de 2021
8 de jun. de 2021
As a viewer, I'm enjoying making clips.
Sadly, when I try to share them, there is not an embed button and I'm having problems with the URL on other platforms (in my case, Tumblr).

It would be awesome if you could see the clips that other people made, or the clips done from their videos. I mean, having a place in the channels dedicated to clips made by them/made from their videos, like the Community tab. That way the clips experience would be easier and more engaging.
24 de jun. de 2021
I don’t see this as much in live content. They should be a focus right now. There is a guy that is live on your platform every day and still does not have clips. SNTR presents. Thays the channel. The community that follows him wants clips. Thanks
11 de jul. de 2021
Clips feature only available on 3% of the channels I visit. This feature should be on every single video so it's consistent. If you constantly find yourself not being able to find it on a video, you're just gonna forget about the feature and stop using it. This feature has potential, but as of now, it seems to be going to waste... :/
23 de ago. de 2021
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