YouTube API Services - Audit and Quota Extension FormThis form will ask for information about: (i) your business, (ii) your API Client, and (iii) your API Client's access to and usage of YouTube API Services (current and proposed use, as applicable) We will use the information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( If you are looking for support or quota increments for Reporting and Content ID APIs, please contact your YouTube Partner Manager If you have been audited in the past 12 months and have been marked compliant by YouTube API Services Team, you can apply for an additional quota extension using this form. If YouTube denies the application for an additional quota extension, you can file an appeal by using this form. If you, or any party operating your API Client(s) on your behalf, experience a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger or other form of corporate transaction), please fill out this form. Am I filling out the correct form? Continue to fill out this form if: You are requesting additional API quota for your API Client or a general compliance audit for your API Client. You are completing a periodic audit. Fill out a different form in these cases: If you have been audited in the past 12 months and have been marked compliant by YouTube API Services Team, you can apply for an additional quota extension using this form. If YouTube denies the application for an additional quota extension, you can file an appeal by using this form. If you, or any party operating your API Client(s) on your behalf, experience a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger or other form of corporate transaction), please fill out this form. * Required fieldReason for filling this form? *I am completing a Compliance Audit or requesting additional API quotaI have been selected for a Periodic AuditGeneral Information About your organization as it relates to YouTubeYour full legal name *Your organization's name *Your organization's website *eg start with https:// eg. organization's address *Organization contact email address *Actively monitored email address for service announcements or contacts for further informationMust be valid email address eg. google@google.comDescribe your organization's work as it relates to YouTube * 0/1000Minimum 100 charactersGoogle representative email addressIf you have a working relationship with a Google employee, enter their contact email hereMust be valid email address eg. google@google.comContent Owner ID (if available)API Client Information An "API Client" is your website or software application that accesses or uses YouTube API Services. Have you undergone an audit since June 2019? *YesNoIs there any way in which your client's use of the YT API changed since the last audit? *YesNoPlease provide details on how API Client's usage has changed * 0/1000Please list all your API Client(s) *Name of your app or website (Please enter comma separated values if there are multiple API Clients)Please list all the project numbers used for each of your API Client(s) *The project number is a series of digits that can be found alongside the Project ID in your Google Cloud Console. Please comma separate the project numbers without additional spaces.A project number must contain exclusively numeric valuesIs this a publicly or privately available API Client? *Publicly accessibleInternal use only Please provide details on how API Client accesses the YouTube Data API 0/1000Where can we find each API Client(s)? *E.g. Links to API Client website, Play store link, Apple store link, Chrome Web link, YouTube channel link etc. If this question is not applicable, please explainIf there is a log-in required to access the API client, please provide a demo account and instructions on how to access the API ClientPlease include similar data and interface as if a user was using the accountDoes your API Client commercialize YouTube Data? *For example, through sales, ads, paid subscriptions, one-time payments, or other means of monetizationYesNoChoose the option that best resembles your API Client's use case *YouTube analyticsSocial listeningYouTube video uploadsVideo streaming site/appLive streaming toolsResearchCreator ToolsOtherList other use cases for the API Client *Add additional fieldSpecify all YouTube API Services used by this API Client *Data APIAnalytics APIReporting APIContent ID APIEmbedsLive Streaming APISelect the primary audience for your API Client *CreatorsViewersAdvertisersEnterprisesStrictly internal use onlyApproximately how many users use your API Client? *Must be a numeric valueExplain how your API Client is used by your users * 0/1000Does your API Client use multiple projects to access YouTube APIs? *YesNoPlease list all project numbers. * 0/1000Does this API Client create, access or use any metrics derived from YouTube data? *YesNoDoes this API Client display data from, or provide features or services across, multiple platforms (ex: Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? *For example, does this API Client display data obtained from YouTube beside or in conjunction with data from other sources?YesNoDo you create/provide any type of reports using YouTube API Data? *YesNoHow long do you store YouTube API Data? *>12 months3 - 12 months30 - 90 days1 - 4 weeks1 - 7 days<24 hoursHow often do you refresh YouTube API Data? *24 hours1 week1 month1 yearNeverDoes this API Client allow users to authenticate with their Google credentials *YesNoPlease provide more detail on how many users have authenticated to your API Client, and how authenticated data is used in or by the API Client 0/1000Send documents (e.g., design documents, etc.) relating to your implementation, access, integration and use of YouTube API Services by each of your API Client/If the API Client is not accessible publicly, please upload a detailed screencast of each YouTube API Service functionality and YouTube data, content and information as displayed on, or integrated into, this API Client. *No files chosen Choose filesNote : Please upload one file smaller than 10MB. Multiple file uploads and file size greater than 10 MB will result in an error during submissionQuota Request Form Only fill out and submit this section if you are nearing your allocated quota limitWhich API Client are you requesting a quota increase for? *Name of your API ClientWhat API project number are you requesting increased quota for? *Enter your project number as shown on Google Developer ConsoleMust be a numeric valueWhich YouTube API Service(s) are you requesting a quota increase for? *Data APIHow much "Additional Quota" are you requesting? *"Additional Quota" = "Total Quota Needed" - "Current Allocated Quota"Must be a numeric valueJustification for requesting additional quota? * 0/1000Provide a detailed breakdown: - Expected growth and timelines - Arithmetic calculations justifying the additional quota - Daily usage pattern (total number of calls and peak QPS) - Expected number of calls Minimum 200 charactersExplain in detail how you use YouTube API Services today * 0/1000Provide a detailed breakdown of API calls currently being made by the API Client and what they are used forMinimum 200 charactersWhat functionality would your API client be lacking without more quota? * 0/1000Minimum 200 charactersWhat potential workarounds would you use to compensate for less quota? (ex. decreased feature set, estimations, smaller sampling) * 0/1000Ex: decreased feature set, estimated change in usage, etc.Acknowledgement of YouTube API Services Terms of Service and Developer PoliciesI have read and agree to the YouTube API Services Terms of Service (including the Developer Policies and Google Privacy Policy) and my current and proposed access to, and use of, YouTube API Service(s) comply with the YouTube API Services Terms of Service. *YesIf I provide a demo account and instructions on how Google can access my API Client, I understand and agree that Google is not bound to any terms of service or policies that applies to such account or access to my API Client. *I agreeThe above facts are true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that should the above facts be found to be untrue, YouTube may terminate my API Client's access to the YouTube API Services as per YouTube's Terms of Service and Developer Policies *I agreeA copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided. Note: Multiple file uploads and file size greater than 10 MB will result in an error during submissionSubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submissionSome account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.Your email has been sentThank you for submitting the YouTube API Services Form.Edit requestDownload submission