Troubleshoot issues cancelling your paid membership

Having trouble cancelling your membership to YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Premium or a channel membership? Have a look at these suggestions for how to cancel or to verify that you've cancelled your membership.

What to do if you're having issues cancelling

If the steps to cancel your membership are not working for you, here are some things that you can try:

  • Reload your web browser or restart your app and then try again to cancel your membership.
  • Try a different browser or an incognito window on your computer.
  • Log in to your account on another device and try to cancel.

How to verify that you have successfully cancelled your membership

Here are some ways you can confirm that you've cancelled your membership:

  • Search for a notification and email: Immediately upon cancelling your paid membership, you'll see a notification in the YouTube mobile app or on your computer confirming that you've cancelled your membership. Soon after cancelling, you'll also get a cancellation confirmation email to the email address that is associated with your account. Search your inbox for emails ending in '' for confirmation of your cancellation. 
  • Check the paid memberships hub: Visit to see if there's an end date listed for your membership and benefits. The date shown is the final day of your billing cycle and also when your benefits will end. If you do not see a date for when your benefits are set to end, please follow the steps to cancel and then check back.

What to do if you see a charge after cancelling

You may keep seeing charges after cancelling for these reasons:

  • You may be seeing a charge for a different Google subscription or service: Check the 'Activity' in your Google payments centre to confirm the details on the charge and to verify if it is from a YouTube paid membership.
  • Your membership was mistakenly reactivated. You or someone with access to your account may have accidentally renewed your membership at Visit that page to see if you have an active membership and follow the steps to cancel if you do.
  • You have more than one account with a YouTube paid membership. You or someone with access to your account may have signed up using another email address, device or billing platform. To check for other Google Accounts:
    1. Click your profile picture .
    2. Click Switch account.
    3. You should see a tick mark next to the account that you're currently signed in as. If you see another account listed that also belongs to you, tap on it to switch to that account.
    4. Check if your other account is signed up for a paid membership by visiting If there are no other accounts listed, you can always try signing in using other Google Accounts that belong to you and check for active memberships
  • You have more than one membership on your account. Take a look at these common duplicate subscription scenarios to see if you may have mistakenly signed up for overlapping paid memberships.
  • If you signed up through an iPhone or iPad, you are billed for your YouTube paid membership through Apple. Apple has its own cancellation and billing policy, which may differ from YouTube's. Contact Apple support for details of your membership and to verify cancellation.

What happens after you cancel

You'll retain access to your benefits until the end of your billing cycle. Regardless of when you cancel during your billing cycle, you'll have access to your paid membership benefits until the end of your ongoing billing cycle. You can view the details of your membership and the last day of your billing cycle by visiting


Note: Starting in 2022, new YouTube Premium and Music Premium subscribers who signed up on Android will be billed via Google Play. This change will not affect existing subscribers. You can visit to see recent charges and check how you are billed. To request a refund for a Google Play purchase, follow the steps outlined here.


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