Check your YouTube subscriber count

Your subscriber count reflects how many viewers have subscribed to follow your YouTube channel. You can view your subscriber count in real time and view your growth over time in YouTube Analytics. You'll get an email and find a congratulatory animation within YouTube Studio when you reach a milestone.

Find your subscriber count

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Analytics Dashboard icon .
  3. On the Overview tab, find the real-time card. 
  4. Click SEE LIVE COUNT to view your subscriber count over time.

Understand your YouTube subscriber count

Your audience can view a shortened version of your subscriber count. This subscriber count is shortened depending on the number of subscribers that your channel has.

If you have Your subscriber count updates for every:
Less than 1,000 subscribers 1 new subscriber
1,000–9,999 subscribers 10 new subscribers
10,000–99,999 subscribers 100 new subscribers
100,000–999,999 subscribers 1,000 new subscribers
1,000,000–9,999,999 subscribers 10,000 new subscribers
10,000,000–99,999,999 subscribers 100,000 new subscribers
100,000,000–999,999,999 subscribers 1,000,000 new subscribers


To understand how your subscriber count will be displayed, use the table below.

For example, if you have Your subscriber count is: Your next subscriber count will be:
123 subscribers 123 124
1,234 subscribers 1.23K 1.24K
12,345 subscribers 12.3K 12.4K
123,456 subscribers 123K 124K
1,234,567 subscribers 1.23M 1.24M
12,345,678 subscribers 12.3M 12.4M
123,456,789 subscribers 123M 124M

Removing closed accounts and spammy subscribers

  • Closed accounts: accounts closed by the creator or terminated by YouTube due to a policy violation.
  • Spam subscribers: subscribers gained through artificial means, such as purchasing subscribers through a third-party service.

We regularly verify the legitimacy of the accounts and actions on your YouTube channel. We also may make corrections to site metrics in YouTube Analytics to fix consistency issues across different sources. These processes make sure that our site metrics are free of spam, abuse and closed accounts to keep YouTube fair for everyone.

It's important that subscriber numbers stay accurate to make sure that you're building your audience organically. Closed accounts and subscribers that are identified as spam won't count towards your total number of subscribers. They also won't be shown in your subscriber list and they don't impact views or watch time.

Learn more about why your subscriber count may change.

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