Allow ads on videos that you watch

Ads on YouTube help support the creators you love and let billions of people around the world use the streaming service. When you block YouTube ads, you violate YouTube’s Terms of Service. If you use ad blockers, we’ll ask you to allow ads on YouTube or sign up for YouTube Premium. If you continue to use ad blockers, we may block your video playback. To avoid the interruption, allow ads on YouTube or sign up for YouTube Premium.

Note: Your browser extensions that block ads may affect video playback.

How to allow ads on YouTube

Follow the instructions for your ad blocking extension.

How to report an issue 

If a message about turning off your ad blocker surfaces when you don’t have one or it’s already off, tell us. To report the issue, go to the bottom left-hand corner of the message and click Report issue.

How to manage the ads that show on YouTube 

The ads that play on YouTube videos or Shorts that you watch are tailored to your interests. Learn more about the ads on videos that you watch. If you want an ad-free YouTube experience, while still supporting the creators you love, check out the benefits of a YouTube Premium membership.

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