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G Suite business email accounts updated to G Suite Basic

This information is only for customers who purchased business email powered by G Suite (no longer available.)

G Suite business email accounts updated to G Suite Basic accounts

In January 2020, all G Suite business email accounts were updated to a G Suite Basic account.

Changes to accounts in January 2020: 

  • Your email addresses remained the same.

  • Your account included additional G Suite Basic features.

  • Your pricing plan automatically changed on the effective date (January 1, 2020). Customers are billed according to the G Suite Basic Flexible Plan(regional discounts apply).

  • Your Gmail ( and G Suite Basic accounts were permanently linked. This means if you cancel your G Suite Basic subscription, both your Gmail and your G Suite Basic accounts are deleted.

Looker Studio

If you use Looker Studio to create reports, your reports will still be available. However, any organization level sharing restrictions that you created in the Google Admin console will be reverted when you cancel your Google Workspace subscription.

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