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Android 5.0 Lollipop and later devices come with built-in enterprise features to power mobile, connected workforces. Enterprise solution providers enable organizations to manage these features, typically through a management console. After finding the right solution provider, organizations and their employees can access numerous enterprise features*, such as:

  • Flexible device setup: Support BYOD (bring your own device); COBO (company-owned, business-only); and COPE (corporate-owned, personally-enabled) deployments.
  • Work profiles for data separation: Use work profiles to separate and secure work apps and data from personal use⁠—ideal for BYOD and COPE deployments.
  • Multi-layer, built-in security: Benefit from Google Play Protect. Set minimum password requirements, remotely lock devices, and wipe them if they're lost or stolen.
  • App distribution: Harness Google Play to remotely manage public and private apps on user's devices.

*Features vary by management solution and Android version.

To start using Android in your organization, follow the step-by-step guide in Get started with Android Enterprise.

Explore the capabilities of Android Enterprise, including its management modes and features, through the Android Enterprise demo.

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