Google Play Protect Service

Google Play Protect Service (GPPS) is an Android system application that serves as a detection mechanism that protects Android devices from malware, such as phishing malware.

GPPS shares the same user control as Google Play Protect (GPP). Whenever GPP is enabled, GPPS will also turn on or off accordingly. This makes it not possible to disable GPPS if GPP is enabled.

Note: The app is currently a GMS optional feature, with plans to extend its availability to other OEMs.

Phishing Detection

Phishing Detection is one of the features of GPPS that detects phishing malware. It aims to prevent any potential theft of personal credentials and other sensitive information.

How it works
GPPS’s Phishing Detection locally analyzes the device screens and suspicious applications are reported to Google for review. No user data (screenshots, etc.) leave the device.
On-device Control
The Phishing Detection toggle can be found in Settings. Users can also opt-out via Safety Center.
  • Phishing Detection can be toggled for the personal and Work Profile separately.
Note: By default, Phishing Detection is disabled on Work Profiles and Fully Managed devices.

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