If you have issues with SafeSearch, try the steps below to help fix the issue.
Check if your SafeSearch setting is locked
Your SafeSearch setting can be set to "Filter" and locked by your account, device, or network administrator.
You can check if your SafeSearch setting is locked at google.com/safesearch. If your setting is locked, at the top right, you'll find a Lock . More info about how your setting is managed is available below.
Tip: If your SafeSearch setting isn’t locked, sign in to your Google Account. This is to save and apply your SafeSearch preferences.
Learn why you get inappropriate content when SafeSearch is on
The SafeSearch setting filters explicit results, like adult content or graphic violence, to prevent them from appearing in your search results. While no filter is 100% accurate, turning this setting on helps you avoid explicit content when you search.
The SafeSearch setting isn’t designed to filter explicit content that has significant artistic, educational, historical, documentary, or scientific value.
If SafeSearch is on but you still get explicit sites or images, let us know.
Learn why your SafeSearch setting keeps turning off
If you allow cookies, SafeSearch should stay the way you set it.
If you delete your cookies and you're not signed in to your Google Account, your SafeSearch setting could get reset.
Tip: To save and apply your SafeSearch preferences across devices and browsing sessions, sign in to your Google Account.
Learn why SafeSearch incorrectly filters the site you own
If you’re a content creator or website owner and you have any issues with the way SafeSearch filters your site, find out how to optimize your site for SafeSearch.
If you’re an advertiser on Google and have questions about how Google filters your ads, you can contact Google Ads Support.