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Search for colleges & universities

You can search for colleges and universities on Google. In some countries, like the US or India, you may find info under the school's name and logo. For example, try searching for UCLA or Lady Shri Ram College.

Most of this info comes from US Department of Education publications, Careers360 and other relevant pages. This info can change over time or might not apply to you. We recommend that you confirm important info with the school, like costs and requirements.

Search by location, field of study, or type

  • Find colleges or universities near you or somewhere else: For example, enter colleges near me or universities in Georgia.
  • Find colleges or universities by type or field of study: For example, enter public colleges or universities with Psychology programs.

Important: This feature is available in English for colleges and universities in the US.

Find & compare US colleges & universities

You can compare schools when you filter by type, location, or fields of study.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to
  2. Search for a list of colleges. For example, try searching for colleges in Massachusetts or engineering colleges.
  3. At the top right, tap View all.
  4. At the bottom, tap which filters you want to apply.

Important: This feature is available in English for colleges and universities in the US.

Give feedback on college results

Report incorrect info for a college

If you find incorrect info while you search, you can suggest a change.
  1. Go to
  2. Search for a college.
  3. Next to the school's logo, tap More More.
  4. Tap Send feedback.
  5. Enter the error.
  6. Tap Send.

Learn more about how to update your Google knowledge panel.

Give feedback for a list of colleges

You can give feedback on the "College" box that shows up in search results.
  1. Go to
  2. Search for a list of colleges. For example, enter colleges in Massachusetts or engineering colleges.
  3. At the bottom right of the "Colleges" box, tap Feedback.
  4. Enter your feedback.
  5. Tap Send.

Where college info comes from

You can find info from high-quality websites and official government agencies.

In the US

Most of the data comes from 2 US Department of Education projects.

  • Integrated Postsecondary Education Data system (IPEDS). Under the Higher Education Act, all institutions that participating in Title IV federal student aid programs must complete IPEDS questionnaires.
  • College Scorecard data. This data comes through:
    • Federal reporting from institutions, like IPEDS
    • Data on federal financial aid from the National Student Loan Data System
    • Tax information from the US Treasury

Some outcomes shown are recorded for a subset of students. Please refer to the language below these outcomes to learn more about what subset of students these outcomes apply to.

In India

Most of the data comes from Careers360. Careers360 is a data-enabled Educational Products and Services Company that helps students make informed career decisions.

Careers360 sources its information and content from regulatory agencies, educational institutions, information brochures, and press releases, including:

  • Official websites of respective educational institutions and exam conducting bodies
  • Information submitted with National Institutional Rating Framework (NIRF), National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC)
  • Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), and college information portal of MHRD.
  • Regulatory bodies like AICTE, MCI, DCI, CCIM, CCH, BCI, INC, PCI, NCTE, ICAR, COA.
  • Data shared by the institutions with Careers360 as part of the ranking process
  • Mandatory Disclosures, Prospectus, information brochures of, and correspondence with the said institutions and organizations

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