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Follow & compare securities

Find real-time securities quotes, charts, and financial news with Google Finance. Find information about securities like stocks, currencies, and futures. You can also create your own watchlists to track the stocks and other securities you choose.

Follow a security

Follow a Security with Google Finance

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Search for a security, like “Dow Jones Industrial Average.” Click the security you want to track. 
  3. To the right of the security name, click Follow.
  4. The security will be added to your default watchlist. To add it to a custom watchlist, click Added to watchlist
  5. Click the watchlists you want the security in.

Compare securities

Compare Securities with Google Finance

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a security, like “Dow Jones Industrial Average.” Click on the security name.
  3. Under the chart, select one of the recommended securities. To search for another, select Compare
  4. To remove a security from the comparison, click the Remove icon.

Stop following a security

Unfollow a Security with Google Finance

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a security, like “Dow Jones Industrial Average.”
  3. Next to the security name, click Following.
    • If you don’t find “Following,” click the ✓ sign.
  4. To unselect the watchlists you want to remove the security from, click the blue ✓ sign.

Compare markets

Compare Markets with Google Finance

  1. Go to
  2. To expand a chart of market performance over time, at the top of the screen, click Compare Markets
  3. Pick a market. For example, “Europe” or “Currencies.”

Create & compare watchlists

Custom watchlists let you organize the securities you follow.

Create a custom watchlist

  1. Go to
  2. Under “Your Watchlists,” tap New watchlist
    • If you can’t find “New watchlist,” try to scroll to the right.
  3. Give your watchlist a name. For example, “My Favorite Stocks.”
  4. To add assets to your watchlist, tap Add investments.

Browse news related to a watchlist

  1. Go to
  2. Under "Your watchlists," select a watchlist.
  3. To browse related news, scroll below the list under "Your watchlist in the news."

Rename or delete a custom watchlist

  1. Go to
  2. Under "Your watchlists," select the watchlist you want to rename or delete. 
    • Tip: You can’t rename or delete your default watchlist (called “Watchlist”), only your custom watchlists.
  3. At the top right, tap More.
  4. Choose Rename or Delete.

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