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Do an Advanced Search on Google

You can narrow results for complex searches with Advanced Search. For example, you can find sites in German that were updated in the last 24 hours or clip art images in black and white.

Tip: In the Google search box, you can use Advanced Search filters with search operators like quotes, minus signs, and site:. Learn more about search operators.

Go to Advanced Search from Google

Important: Advanced Search isn’t available for all types of results.

  1. On your computer, do a search on
  2. Below the search box, select the type of results: All, Images, Videos, or Books.
  3. At the bottom part of the search box, click Tools.
  4. Under Tools, click Advanced Search.

Use Advanced Search query fields

Important: Search query fields can vary across Advanced Search pages.

In Advanced Search, you can choose words or phrases to include or remove from your results. You can choose:

  • “All these words”: Results use all the words you enter.
  • “This exact word or phrase”: Results include one exact word or phrase you enter.
  • “Any of these words”: Results include at least one of the words you enter.
  • “None of these words”: Results don’t have any of the words you enter.
  • “Numbers ranging from”: Results include a number between the 2 numbers you enter.

Do an Advanced Search

For webpages & files
  1. On your computer, go to Advanced Search:
  2. Under “Find pages with,” choose the query field/s to:
    • Include exact words or a list of words in your results.
    • Remove words from your results.
  3. Enter the words that you want to include or remove from your results.
    • Add words without search operators, like quotes or minus signs.
  4. Under "Then narrow your results by," choose the filters you want to use.
    • You can add more than one filter.
  5. Click Advanced Search.

Try these filters

  • Language: Find pages in a specific language.
  • Region: Find pages published in a certain region.
  • Last update: Find pages updated within the time you select.
  • Site or domain: Search one site like Or, limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org, or .gov.
  • Terms appearing: Find pages that have your search terms in a specific part of the page, like the title, text, or URL.
  • SafeSearch: Remove explicit results. Learn more about SafeSearch.
  • File type: Find files in a specific format, like .pdf, .ps, .dwf, .kml, .kmz, .xls, .ppt, .doc, .rtf, or .swf.
  • Usage rights: Find pages that have license info attached to them.
For images
Important: Images might be subject to copyright. Learn how to find images you can reuse.
  1. On your computer, go to Advanced Image Search:
  2. Under “Find images with,” choose the query field/s to:
    • Include exact words or a list of words in your results.
    • Remove words from your results.
  3. Enter the words that you want to include or remove from your results.
    • Add words without search operators, like quotes or minus signs.
  4. Under "Then narrow your results by," choose the filters you want to use.
    • You can use more than one filter.
  5. Click Advanced Search.

Try these filters

  • Image size: Find images by size or dimensions.
  • Aspect ratio: Find images that are a specific shape like tall, square, wide, or panoramic.
  • Colors in image: Find full color, black and white, or transparent images. Or, search for images with a specific color.
  • Type of image: Find a specific type of image like photos, clip art, or line drawings. Or, search for face or animated images.
  • Region: Find images published in a certain region.
  • Site or domain: Search one site like Or limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org, or .gov.
  • SafeSearch: Remove explicit results. Learn more about SafeSearch.
  • File type: Find images in a specific format, like JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, SVG, WEBP, ICO, or RAW.
  • Usage rights: Find images that have license info attached to them. Learn more about usages rights for images.
For videos
  1. On your computer, go to Advanced Video Search:
  2. Under “Find videos with,” choose the query field/s to:
    • Include exact words or a list of words in your results.
    • Remove words from your results.
  3. Enter the words that you want to include or remove from your results.
    • Add words without search operators, like quotes or minus signs.
  4. Under "Then narrow your results by," choose the filters you want to use.
    • You can use more than one filter.
  5. Click Advanced Search.

Try these filters

  • Language: Find videos in a specific language.
  • Duration: Find videos that are 0–4 minutes, 4–20 minutes, or more than 20 minutes.
  • Posting date: Find videos posted or updated within a specific time period, like within the past hour, day, week, month, or year.
  • Quality: Limit results to HD videos.
  • Site or domain: Search one site like Or, limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org, or .gov.
  • Subtitles: Find videos with closed captions.
  • SafeSearch: Remove explicit results. Learn more about SafeSearch.
For books
Important: Your search must include a search word, title, author, publisher, subject, ISBN, or ISSN.
  1. On your computer, go to Advanced Book Search:
  2. Under “Find results,” choose the query field/s to:
    • Include exact words or a list of words in your results.
    • Remove words from your results.
  3. Enter the words that you want to include or remove from your results.
    • Add words without search operators, like quotes or minus signs.
  4. In the next section, choose the filters you want to use.
  5. At the top right, click Google Search.

Try these filters

  • Search: Choose what to include in your search, like:
    • Books with a limited preview or full view available.
    • Books with a full view available only.
  • Google eBooks only.
  • Content: Limit results to a specific type, like books, magazines, or newspapers.
  • Language: Find books written in a specific language.
  • Title: Enter the title of a book.
  • Author: Find books written by a certain author.
  • Publisher: Limit results to a certain publisher.
  • Subject: Find books about a specific topic.
  • Publication date: Limit results to books published between specific dates.
  • ISBN: Find a book by its International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
  • ISSN: Find a book by its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

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