Use Google Voice Search

You can use your voice to search for helpful information.

Start a Voice Search

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app Google app.
  2. Tap the Microphone Speak.
  3. Ask a question.

Tip: Learn how to search for a song by playing, humming, or singing it to the Google app.

Common voice searches

If voice search is available in your language, country, and region, you can say most of these examples.

Tip: Some of these examples only work in certain languages, countries, or regions.

Entertainment (music, movies & images)

Find new music: "What songs do Mumford and Sons sing?"

Find a movie: "What movies are playing tonight?" or "Where's Hunger Games playing?"

Search for images: "Show me pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge."

Travel & navigation

Get directions: "Navigate to Safeway" or "Directions to 1299 Colusa Avenue Berkeley California."

Find nearby places: "Where's the closest coffee shop?"

Plan your trip: "What are some attractions in New York City?"

Facts & quick answers

Find the time: "What time is it in London?"

Check the weather: "Do I need a jacket today?" or "What's the weather like tomorrow morning?"

Answer trivia questions: "Where was Albert Einstein born?" or "How old is Beyonce?"

Get stock prices: "What's the Alphabet stock price?" (Disclaimer about financial data)

Translate words or phrases: "How do you say cucumber in Spanish?"

Define a word: "What does gluttony mean?"

Convert between units: "What's 16 ounces in pounds?"

Solve a math problem: "What's the square root of 2209?"

Add another language

To use voice search in more than one language, add a language from your settings.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app Google app.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial and then Settings and then Voice and Assistant.
  3. Tap Language and then Add Language.

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