Access & manage your interests

On the Interests page, you can access and manage what you like, your collections & saved items, and the topics that you follow.

Important: Only signed-in Google users can access and manage interests.

Access your interests

Access from Saved

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app Google app.
  2. At the bottom, tap Tabs and then Saved.

Access from Settings

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app.
  2. At the top right, tap your profile picture or initial.
  3. Tap Settings and then Manage your interests and then Following.

Access from Discover

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app Google app.
  2. Navigate to a Discover card, tap More More.
  3. Tap Manage your interests and then Following.

Manage your interests

On the Interests page, you can go to different tabs to manage your interests:

  • From the Liked tab, you can view or unlike items.
  • From the Saved tab, you can manage your collections & saved items.
  • From the Followed tab, you can manage the topics you’re following and notifications for them.

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