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Identify & shop from Small Businesses on Google Search

You can filter products from small businesses with Google Search. You can also identify small business products sold from your search results.

Find shopping products sold by small businesses

To find shopping products sold by small businesses on Google Search:

  1. On your mobile device, open  Google Search.
  2. Type in a search query, like “Shop crochet kits” or “Shop gold jewelry”.
  3. Below the search bar, tap Filter .
  4. Under “Refine your search,” tap Small business.
  5. On the filtered search result page, tap the product you want to view or purchase. 
    • On the Product Card and on the Sellers Grid on the Product Viewer page, products sold by SMBs will have a “Small business” annotation.

Tip: On November 25 and 26, 2023, the “Small business” topic will be available directly for relevant searches.

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