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Search Researcher Result API

Researchers can now scrape and analyze Search results with the Search Researcher Result API (SRR API). For more information on eligibility criteria, and to apply for access, please visit Google’s Transparency Center.

Important: This is available to researchers based in the European Union who meet the eligibility criteria.

Application process

To request access to the SRR API, complete our researcher application. Each approved project is provided a quota of 1000 queries per day per project.

Learn how to get started with Search Researcher Result (SRR) API.

How SRR API works

  • The API takes a URL in a browser then retrieves the HTML we'd return to a browser.
  • Some query parameters can’t be accepted and return with an error. If a request includes a non-search URL, an error returns.
  • If a request exceeds the number of requests available for the project, an error returns. The request limit is applied on a rolling 24-hours basis.

Tip: You can only use the SRR API for non-commercial purposes, and that your use is governed by the Researcher Program AUP and SRR API Terms of Service.

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