Наразі ця сторінка недоступна вашою мовою. Ви можете вибрати іншу мову внизу екрана або миттєво перекласти будь-яку веб-сторінку потрібною мовою за допомогою вбудованої функції перекладу Google Chrome.

Delete your profile

You can delete your profile if necessary.


  • When you delete reviews from your profile it removes them from Google entirely.
  • If you post a review after you delete your profile, a new profile is created for you.

In some locales, you must have a Google profile if you have any audience reviews. To delete your profile in these locales, you must first delete all of your reviews.

Step 1: Delete all reviews on your profile

You can delete your reviews while logged in to your profile. Your reviews are listed in your profile when you're logged in.

  1. Go to profile.google.com.
  2. On the top right of the review you want to delete, tap More .
  3. Tap Delete.

You can find and delete reviews you’ve posted on Google.

  1. Go to google.com. Alternatively, you can open the Google app .
  2. Search for the movie, TV show, book, video game, product, or music album you reviewed.
  3. Tap or click Audience reviews.
  4. To delete your review, tap or click More and then Delete.

Step 2: Delete your empty profile

  1. To access your profile, go to profile.google.com.
  2. Click icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click Profile options and then Delete profile and confirm.

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